New template for IPB
for PhD students who started education in academic year 2020/2021
Individual Research Plan (IRP)
polish version: Indywidualny_plan_badawczy_SD_US_2020-2021
english version: Individual-research-plan_SD_US_2020-2021
Annex to IRP
polish version: Aneks_Indywidualny_plan_badawczy_SD_US_2020-2021
english version: Annex_Individual_research_plan_SD_US_2020-2021
Report on implementation of IRP
polish version: 1a-sprawozdanie-z-realizacji-IPB-2020-2021
english version: 1b-Report-on-implementation-of-IRP-2020-2021
polish version for “Implementation Doctorate” Programme – 1c-sprawozdanie-z-realizacji-IPB-2020-2021-Doktorat-wdrozeniowy
``Implementation Doctorate`` Programme
Templates of IRP and reports for PhD students of the “Implementation Doctorate” program adopted for the academic year 2020/2021 – only in Polish:
IRP: Indywidualny_plan_badawczy_SD_US_2020-2021 – doktorat wdrożeniowy
Report: Sprawozdanie_Indywidualny_plan_badawczy_doktorant wdrozeniowy
Notes on IRP
The above templates apply to all PhD students who started their education in the 2020/2021 academic year. The templates are valid for the entire period of education, also if the doctoral student had a break in their education or extended their education.
The doctoral student preparing the annex should carefully enumerate and justify the introduced changes, as well as prepare a new version of the IRP, taking into account these changes.