IRP (IPB) template for PhD students who started their education in the 2022/2023 academic year
Resolution of the Dean (in Polish): zarządzenie nr 5-2023 – wzory IPB, sprawozdań i aneksów
Individual Research Plan
polish version – 1a – Indywidualny plan badawczy 2022-2023
english version – 1b – Individual Research Plan 2022-2023
polish version for “Implemented Doctorate” Program – 1c – Indywidualny plan badawczy – Doktorat wdrożeniowy – 2022-2023
Raport on implementation of the IRP
polish version – 3a-sprawozdanie-z-realizacji-IPB-2022-2023
english version – 3b-Report-on-implementation-of-IRP-2022-2023
polish version for “Implemented Doctorate” Program – 3c-sprawozdanie-z-realizacji-IPB-2022-2023-Doktorat-wdrożeniowy
Annex to the IRP
polish version – 3a – Aneks do IPB – 2022-2023 (also for “Implementation Doctorate”)
english version – 3b – Annex to IRP – 2022-2023
IRP approval procedure in the academic year 2022/2023
- The PhD student prepares the IRP in cooperation with the supervisor.
- By June 30 at the latest, the doctoral student sends the document prepared and agreed upon with the supervisor to the appropriate area coordinator or competent for implementation doctoral students ( IRP should be sent as a text file open to modifications.
- The coordinator either submits comments, sends the document for correction, or informs about its acceptance. The corrected document should be returned to the coordinator for approval.
- No, later than September 30, the doctoral student submits to the IRP Doctoral School signed by the doctoral student and the supervisor (also an assistant supervisor, and in the case of implementation doctorates, also a supervisor from the company).
- IRP is reviewed by the coordinator and approved by the dean.
- The document is stored in the DS office; the doctoral student is provided with a scan.
- The IRP is submitted to the evaluation committee, which presents the doctoral student with recommendations for changes in the IRP or only a positive opinion.
A note on terms
Doctoral students who started their education at the Doctoral School on a date other than October 1 submit the IRP on the same date as the others and are subject to the same procedures because this document is the basis for passing the first year of education and proceeding to the first stage of the evaluation assessment.
Report on the implementation of the IRP
- The report on the implementation of IRP should be submitted by September 30, after each year of education.
- Submission of the report (dates are required for all signatures) cannot occur earlier than the coordinator’s approval of the IRP.
- The report requires the signature of all supervisors. It is not approved in any way by the Doctoral School but is subject to evaluation by the evaluation committee.
Important Notes on Completing the IRP
Preparation of the plan should be a precise and lengthy process. The doctoral student has a whole year to prepare it. During this time, he or she can use the support of their supervisor who conducts classes on similar issues in the first year of education (expert tutoring, research methodology, preparation and implementation of a research project, research ethics, planning a scientific career and academic development), as well as offices of the Doctoral School (e.g., in the field of budget planning).
When planning, the doctoral student should consider the obligations related to the cycle of education at the Doctoral School, including the responsibility to prepare a grant project and participate in a foreign internship or present the results of their research at a foreign scientific conference.
The doctoral student presents a plan of tasks for the entire period of the doctoral dissertation. Also, publications, conference presentations, queries, and internships should be planned for the whole period. It is understandable that in different scientific disciplines, the cycle of publications and conferences is different. It is often impossible to precisely plan, for example, conference trips for 3 years in advance. However, this does not release the doctoral student from the obligation to plan how he/she will present and disseminate the results of his research. This is of great importance when planning the project budget. When creating a schedule of tasks, the doctoral student also plans the time of closing the following stages of work on the doctoral dissertation. Knowing the time of the scheduled completion of a given task, he should be able to plan that he/she will, for example, present the research results at an international scientific conference. When planning long-term, providing precise dates or the conference organizer is unnecessary if such data are missing. Still, the number and nature of such activities should be prepared.