Tasks of PhD candidates after the end of the third year of education
- PhD candidates completing the third year of education prepare a report on the implementation of the education program and the Individual Research Plan (IRP) according to the template available on the website of the Doctoral School. Link: https://us.edu.pl/szkola-doktorska/en/indywidualny-plan- badawczy/indywidualny-plan-badawczy-2020-2021/
- The attachments to the report are publications and other works subject to evaluation – both published and submitted for printing.
- The report should be submitted to the DS office by September 26 of a given year in the original version, signed by all handwritten signature or with electronic certificate – without attachments
- The attachments should be delivered electronically:
- all files should be titled according to the following scheme: Surname_name_short_file_name (e.g., Kowalski_Jan_New_spices_of_dinosaur) – Note – files named other way, especially not with the last name at the beginning, may not be taken into account)
- all files should be uploaded to the disk via the link: https://ssd.us.edu.pl/index.php/s/tU7htudbbjtFiog
The role of the Doctoral School office in the evaluation of PhD candidates after the third year
- The DS office verifies the closure of the academic year by the doctoral candidates after submitting the signed initial report.
- The DS office compiles the documents and passes them on to the evaluation committee along with instructions on how to proceed. PhD candidates and supervisors are added to the message.
- Note – the office does not verify the substantial content of provided documents.
The work of the evaluation committee
- Meetings are held remotely.
- The committee chairman is responsible for organizing the remote meeting (setting the date and preparing the merger).
- All members take part in the committee meeting. In particularly justified cases, the absence of one committee member is allowed, who should provide a written opinion containing the assessment of the report by the date of the committee meeting at the latest. The presence of the committee chairman at the meeting is obligatory.
- At the invitation of the committee chairman, a doctoral student or a supervisor may participate in the meeting or part of it.
- An absolute majority of votes takes the committee’s decisions.
- After completing the commission’s work, the chairman prepares the protocol by filling in the form below. The chairman sends the Pdf generated after completing the form to the doctoral student and supervisor.
Tasks of the commission
- The evaluation committee assesses the progress of the doctoral student’s research work on the basis of the IRP implementation report.
- The evaluation can be positive, conditionally positive or negative. If the assessment is conditionally positive, the commission assigns the PhD candidate specific tasks along with a deadline for their implementation. After this date, the commission meets with the PhD candidate and reassesses his progress.
- A negative assessment is the basis for deleting a doctoral student.
Form of a protocol from the evaluation committee meeting