Results of the competition to increase the doctoral scholarship in the academic year 2024/2025
The competition committee appointed by the Dean of the Doctoral School on November 29, 2024, considered the applications of doctoral students of doctoral schools at the University of Silesia in Katowice in the competition for an increase in the doctoral scholarship for the academic year 2024/2025. After considering all the applications, the committee decided to grant an increase in the doctoral scholarship to 32 doctoral students:
International Environmental Doctoral School
Second year:
- Marta Woszczycka
Third year:
- Uroosa
Fourth year:
- Janusz Godziek
Doctoral School
Field of humanistic, theology and art, second year:
- Dorota Kołodziej
- Anna Leśniewska
- Przemysław Starowicz
- Klaudia Żubryk
Field of humanistic, theology and art, third year:
- Anouk Herman
- Maciej Mazur
- Klaudia Węgrzyn
Field of humanistic, theology and art, fourth year:
- Paolo D’Indinosante
- Katarzyna Hanik
- Łukasz Koniuszy
- Krzysztof Małek
Field of social sciences, second year:
- Łukasz Hawrylak
- Ari Nowacka
Field of social sciences, third year:
- Zuzanna Farny
- Katarzyna Siwczyk
Field of social sciences, fourth year:
- Dominik Mizerski
- Aleksandra Sobańska
- Małgorzata Roj
Field of natural sciences and engineering and technology, second year
- Adam Czempik
- Soorya Koymeth
- Piotr Pyryt
- Bartosz Zowiślok
Field of natural sciences and engineering and technology, third year year
- Alfred Błażytko
- Luiza Orszulak
- Mateusz Wiśniewski
Field of natural sciences and engineering and technology, fourth year
- Patrycja Filipek
- Kamila Malik
- Grzegorz Skrzyński
- Patrycja Ziętara-Krzyk
Detailed information
The increase in the doctoral scholarship will be paid on the last working day of each month. The first payment will be made in December, with compensation for October and November 2024.
The amount of the increase is PLN 625 in the academic year 2024/2025.
Doctoral students who submitted an application in the competition and did not receive the scholarship will be informed about the reason for not receiving the scholarship (the number of points received in individual categories and the point threshold) by electronic mail by January 15, 2025.