Below is a list of people who have declared their readiness to work as Supervisor in the field of Chemistry.
The Doctoral Supervisor at the Doctoral School may be any Researcher with a Postdoctoral Degree or the title of professor currently academically active and his scientific interests are similar to the Doctoral student’s research plans.
A complete list of academic teachers conducting research in the discipline of Chemistry can be found on the website of the Instytitute of Chemistry
dr hab. inż. Karolina Adrjanowicz, prof. UŚ
Faculty of Science and Technology
chemical sciences
physical sciences
materials engineering
Scientific interests:
glass transition, dielectric spectroscopy, nanoconfinement, thin films, surface effects, high-field, crystallization, molecular dynamics, relaxation dynamics and crystallization behavior of glass-forming systems under high pressure, geometrical nanoconfinement and high electric fields,understanding factors responsible for physical and chemical instability of amorphous materials, developing strategies allowing to control it
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dr hab. Mirosław Chorążewski, prof. UŚ
Faculty of Science and Technology
chemical sciences
Scientific interests:
thermodynamics of liquids and mixtures, high-pressure techniques, speed of sound propagation techniques, calorimetry, transitiometry, equations of state, thermal energy storage methods and materials, molecular springs, phase equilibria
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dr hab. inż. Jacek Nycz, prof. UŚ
Faculty of Science and Technology
chemical sciences
Scientific interests:
synthetic organic chemistry; phosphorus compounds; heterocyclic chemistry; organometallic synthesis; NMR spectroscopy
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