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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo European City of Science 2024

USil Researchers with Grant from International Visegrád Fund

04.09.2024 - 11:03 update 05.09.2024 - 15:07
Editors: OO

Dorota Prysak, PhD, from the Institute of Pedagogy and Tomasz Kasprzak, PhD, from the Institute of Sociology, won a grant from the International Visegrád Fund for the project Structures of Uncertainty: Inclusive Education in Central and Eastern European Countries.

The researchers will cooperate with scientists from Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia to bring closer the conditions, tasks, and challenges facing inclusive education in the countries of the Visegrád Group (V4). Additionally, the practical dimension of the research project is to develop a model for supporting inclusive education in the V4 countries. The proposed activities will be addressed to teachers of kindergartens and primary and secondary schools from the V4 countries. Multi-faceted recommendations for inclusive education will be developed jointly by the project participants, combining and promoting social and educational practices.

The project received funding in the amount of EUR 28,950.00. Detailed information at inclusiveeducation.us.edu.pl

dr Dorota Prysak

Dorota Prysak, PhD | Photo: private gallery

dr Tomasz Kasprzak

Tomasz Kasprzak, PhD | Photo: private gallery

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