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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Series of seminars by Prof. Zhendong Jin from the USA

18.10.2021 - 12:45 update 21.10.2021 - 14:31
Editors: OO
Tags: Metropolitalny Fundusz Wspierania Nauki

The University of Silesia will host Prof. Zhendong Jin from the University of Iowa (USA), who will conduct online seminars on chemical synthesis. Scientists dealing with the field represented by Prof. Zhendong Jin have won numerous Nobel Prizes, in the 20th and 21st centuries, almost 20 researchers from around the world have received them.

Prof. Zhendong Jin is a world-class scientist dealing with research at the interface of chemistry and biology, especially the synthesis of complex chemical compounds of natural origin and medical application. For ten years, he has been working on the development of new generation anti-cancerous pharmaceuticals, against malignant tumours for which no effective pharmacotherapy exists so far. With his team, they have successfully developed innovative technology for pharmaceutical agents development inspired by natural products. His team have developed two promising first-class anti-cancer pharmaceuticals. Prof. Zhendong Jin is an employee of the UI College of Pharmacy in Iowa City, USA.

Within the Development of novel anticancer agents project, two seminars are planned that are to take place in October 2021 at 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.:

  • “From Marine Sponge to Novel Anticancer Agents: An Organic Chemist’s Quest to Conquer Cancer”– 26 October 2021 – – detailed information,
  • “Novel Anticancer Drug Development Inspired by Anticancer Natural Product OSW-1” – 27 October 2021 – detailed information.

The lectures will be held via Zoom. Registration link: formularze.us.edu.pl/spotkania_naukowe.

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Development of novel anticancer agents project has been financed by the Metropolis GZM within the “Metropolitan Science Support Fund” programme in 2019–2022. The fund amounted to PLN 15,741.00.

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