For the first time in the history, the Summer School of Polish Language and Culture, organised by the School of Polish Language and Culture at the University of Silesia, will be organised online. The academics will run classes using modern instant messengers and online platforms.
The official inauguration of the summer school was planned for 3 August 2020. The opening lecture entitled „On the Need for Fiction” will be given by the Rectors-Elect of the University of Silesia, Prof. Ryszard Koziołek. Moreover, on this day approximately 100 individuals from around the world, including Armenia, Brazil, China, Guatemala, Indonesia, Germany, Nigeria, Palestine and Ukraine, will write a qualification test, thanks to which the participants will be allocated to the appropriate groups, and they will learn Polish language and study our culture for three weeks.
The participants of the online summer school will have the opportunity to significantly improve their knowledge of Polish. Every day they will have 4 hours of intensive Polish language learning, as well as lectures and seminars on Polish literature, culture, art, history, politics, language games, plus film, theatre and poetry meetings, music and cooking workshops. Participation of foreign guests from 5 continents in live activities is a huge challenge due to different time zones, so classes will be held in the late afternoon and early evening.
The programme also includes interactive trips to Cieszyn, Warsaw, Cracow and Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum. These will be both mini-coverages recorded and composed in advance, as well as real-time virtual trips with readers and guides.
Traditionally, the international ortographic contest “Test in Polish” will be held on 15 August, followed by the “Meeting of Cultures and Traditions”, during which the course participants will present their national traditions. The schedule of presentations and performances of people from around the world will be published on the website of the School of Polish Language and Culture Facebook profile. There will also be an opportunity to compete for the title of the Foreign Master of Polish Language. Both these events will be available for everyone who wishes to participate.