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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Scientific Premiere Stage: Science Talk Show with Prof. Jan Kisiel

10.11.2020 - 13:30, update 19.11.2020 - 18:11
Editors: MJ
Tags: , Scientific Premiere Stage, SPN: Naukowy talk show, SPS: Scientific Talk Show

Scientific Premiere Stage is a new initiative of the University of Silesia in Katowice. At SPS we will present the latest achievements in all scientific disciplines practised at the University of Silesia. Feel invited to participate in meetings with researchers, publication authors, individuals who organise inspiring activities and founders of scientific projects at our University. SPS: Science Talk Show is a unique opportunity to listen to an outstanding scientist who talks about their work.

During the first online scientific talk show we will host Prof. Jan Kisiel, a nuclear physicist from the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Silesia, who will tell us about the breakthrough research on antimatter that made the cover of “Nature” magazine. The prestigious scientific journal has published the results of research conducted by an international team of scientists within the framework of Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) neutrino experiment. Among other things, the discovery is to help understand why there is definitely more matter than antimatter in the Universe and where the difference between the law of physics governing particles and antiparticles comes from. T2K experiment involves physicists from the research group called “Nuclear Physics” from the Institute of Physics at the University of Silesia in Katowice, supervised by Prof. Jan Kisiel.

The meeting will be hosted by Jarosław Juszkiewicz – journalist of Polskie Radio Katowice, ambassador of Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE and graduate of the University of Silesia.

The event takes place on 19 November 2020 at 6 PM in a venue in Katowice called “Miejscownik” – bookshop, place of meet-the-author sessions, shows and film debates. Online transmission can be watched on YouTube channel of the University of Silesia.

Poster promoting SPN: Scientific Talk Show in pdf

Plakat promujący wydarzenie Scena Premier Naukowych: Naukowy Talk Show z wizerunkiem prof. Jana Kisiela

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