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University of Silesia in Katowice

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3rd World Conference on Cluttering

02.08.2023 - 10:24, update 23.08.2023 - 14:41
Editors: katarzynasuchanska

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The 3rd World Conference on Cluttering takes place on 16-17 September 2023 at the University of Silesia in Katowice.

Cluttering is the second fluency disorder, after stuttering. It is characterised by disturbances in perception, articulation and formulation of speech, unawareness of the disorder, and short attention span. Cluttering is also connected to disorganised thinking processes in constructing verbal utterances and results from genetic predispositions.

The event will feature experts from Australia, France, Israel, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Norwegia, Türkiye, the USA, Hungary and Great Britain. The University of Silesia will be represented by scientists from the Faculty of Humanities: Monika Pakura, PhD; Katarzyna Węsierska, PhD, DLitt, Assoc. Prof.; Kamila Kuros-Kowalska, PhD; as well as Joanna Szymczakowska, Anna Starczewska and Aleksandra Boroń.

The Conference requires prior registration. The registration form and other information can be found on the event’s website.

The event is organised by the University of Silesia in Katowice, the International Cluttering Association and Fundacja Centrum Logopedyczne.

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