On the 11th of February we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. On this occasion the project team wants to invite you to take part in the initiative that includes collecting various experiences of Women Academics which they encountered on their academic career pathways. We would like to encourage you to share your stories (HerStories) of what obstacles you had to overcome in order to discover yourselves, make a name for yourselves, survive and succeed in the academic world. Please send your stories till the 8th of March 2023 using the form.
We will collect your stories to create a chronicle of HerStories which will be available on the GEPARD project’s website. Authors of the most interesting stories will be invited to participate in the conference summarizing the project that will take place in 2024.
We want to wish all Women and Girls of Science the best experiences in pursuing your academic career paths and the authentic appreciation of our contribution to the development of science, art, academic teaching and other initiatives that you undertake. We wish you freedom, courage and perseverance in personal fulfilment in all areas of your life. Make your dreams come true and fulfil even the craziest ideas.
We invite you to observe the project in the social media on our facebook and twitter profiles.
Photo: pexels.com