The first stage of the call for proposals of the ‘Universities of the Future – new opportunities in education’ project starts on 17 March 2023 at 8 a.m.
The main goal of the call is to raise the competencies of people taking part in the higher education process through development by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) and the University of Silesia in Katowice a modern, model and scalable systemic solution to apply in the higher education process. Thanks to the project, students will receive support in raising competencies of the future, with a focus on solving problems and critical thinking.
People taking part in the project will complete an individual learning path and supervised by professional mentors are to plan and carry out an innovative implementation project. Each participant will receive 6 ECTS credits for the implementation of their original ideas. The funds dedicated to the implementation actions in the project will allow students to carry out even the boldest of ideas.
The first stage of the call lasts until 20 March 2023. The Selection Board will choose the best 30 projects and invite their authors to face-to-face meetings.
More details about the project and call for proposals are available at
The ‘Universities of the Future – new opportunities in education’ project is funded by the European Union within the European Social Fund; Operational Program Knowledge Education Development; Priority Axis III. Higher Education for Economy and Development.