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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Patent | “Green chemistry,” a new way of obtaining poly(ionic liquids)

27.04.2021 - 15:18 update 30.04.2021 - 16:27
Editors: MK
Tags: patent

Ionic liquids are an interesting example of materials that fit in the idea of the so-called green chemistry. It is due to the fact that the process of their design and obtaining takes into account the complete elimination or the least possible use of substances hazardous and harmful for people and the environment. They are a subject of great interest in the scientific world and industry due to their properties. They are safe solvents. They can be used as electrolytes in batteries. They can be used as superconductors. They can be recycled, have a low melting point and electric charge. Some of them have shorter reaction times while maintaining high efficiency and selectivity.

The particularly interesting group seems to be poly(ionic liquids). They are more resistant in terms of mechanical and thermal properties while maintaining good ionic conductivity. Moreover, the proper selection of the polymerisation conditions allows manipulating their physicochemical properties.

These conditions are subject of interest of the researchers from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Silesia. They developed a high-pressure and controlled method of direct synthesis of imidazolium ionic polymers of polycationic nature. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to obtain macroparticles with high molecular weights and low dispersity which has not been possible so far. The advantages of the invention are facilitation and acceleration of the technological process and reduction of the amount of post-production waste. This solution can be applied in industrial conditions for the synthesis of polymers used, e.g., for the production of polymer capacitors, ionic polymers for biomedical purposes, and membranes used in the purification and separation techniques.

The inventors of the patent are: Andrzej Dzienia, PhD Eng.; Paulina Maksym, PhD Eng.; Magdalena Tarnacka, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor; Iwona Grudzka-Flak, PhD; Prof. Kamil Kamiński; Prof. Marian Paluch.


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