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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Patents | USil in 1st place among the classical universities

27.09.2022 - 12:30 update 09.02.2023 - 12:50
Editors: OO
Tags: patent, patents, ranking

The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland (UPRP) has published a report for 2021, containing, among others, statistical data on the protection of industrial property in Poland.

University of Silesia in Katowice came 12th with the number of 42 patents in the ranking of all entities that received the largest number of granted patents in 2021. It is the highest place in the history of the University of Silesia in this ranking. In the ranking of universities, our University was ranked 3rd, and 1st among classical universities.

Each year, our scientists submit many innovative technical solutions for patent protection in Poland and abroad. Researchers associated with the University of Silesia are the authors and co-authors of over 600 objects of industrial property: inventions, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks. In 2020, the University of Silesia obtained 27 patents for inventions granted by the UPRP, in 2019 there were 29 and in 2018 – 35. For many years our University has been at the forefront of non-technical universities in Poland in terms of the number of patent applications and granted industrial property rights – mainly patents for inventions.

In 2021, among the patented solutions, the authors or co-authors of which are scientists from the University of Silesia, there were such inventions as:

The report for 2021 is available on the UPRP’s website. Additionally, on us.edu.pl you can find articles on USil patents.

Na ciemnoniebieskim tle widoczna jest jasnoniebieska żarówka oraz ikony związane z nauką: wykres, atom, linijka, zegar, probówka, znaki matematyczne, mikroskop/On dark blue background visible light blue bulb and icons connected with science: chart, atom, ruler, clock, test tube, mathematical symbols, microscope

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