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University of Silesia in Katowice

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“V4 Humanities Education for the Climate” project to start

13.10.2020 - 17:31 update 15.10.2020 - 11:04
Editors: AJS

The development of foundations for multifaceted, modern humanities education in V4 countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia) with the sense of responsibility for the present and future climate of our planet is the goal of „The V4 Humanities Education for the Climate. Diagnoses – Best Practices – Recommendations” (HEC).

The initiative has been drawn up by Center for Studies on Humanities Education (ICBEH), which is supervised by Prof. Bernadeta Niesporek-Szamburska. The project, implemented under Visegrad Fund, involves representatives of humanities and practitioners: teachers and educators representing various levels of education and different institutions in V4 countries. Such a synergic meeting of scholars and practitioners enables multilateral, multi-aspect and integrated view of the problem, which guarantees the efficiency of conducted work. The geographical range of the project encompasses V4 countries, and the foreign partners include: Nationwide Polish School in Hungary, Palacký University Olomouc, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica and Comenius University in Bratislava.

The innovation of the project consists in focusing on the humanistic aspect of climate expressed in various cultural texts which create and shape the human thought. Another significant task is to orient the project towards systematic, multi-aspect and substantive humanities education, which corresponds to the requirements of modernity facing climate change. Therefore, the research team will develop a project of climate education which combines knowledge in several humanities disciplines, student-friendly, corresponding to the specific nature of life experiences of young people, but also generating new forms of behaviour in the spirit of respect and empathy – the attitudes that do no harm to the planet.

The initiative will be implemented until 2023, and its programme includes the organisation of conferences, seminars, lectures, webinars, as well as preparation of class scenarios for students and publication of scientific monograph.

The project is opened with an international seminar with the participation of representatives of Interdisciplinary Centre for Studies on Humanities Education and foreign partners. The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss and prepare actions related to tasks which are to be implemented in the first year of international team operation. Programme of the seminar is available on: www.us.edu.pl.

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Logo Visegrad Fund

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