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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Distinction in the Polish Product of the Future Competition

17.06.2021 - 11:12 update 18.06.2021 - 09:44
Editors: OO
Tags: competition, patent

The research team from the Institute of Chemistry was awarded in the 23rd edition of the Polish Product of the Future competition in the category “joint product of the future by a higher education and science institution and an entrepreneur.”

The inventors of the solution Development of a method for regeneration of DeNOx catalytic converters that are used in energy systems are scientists associated with the University of Silesia: Maciej Kapkowski, PhD; Tomasz Siudyga, PhD; Jarosław Polański, PhD, DSc Eng.; and Anna Niemczyk-Wojdyła, PhD Eng. The person co-entitled to this patent is Rafał Zawisz, the owner of AD MOTO company.

The undertaking is organised jointly by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The aim of the Polish Product of the Future competition is to select and promote innovative products and technologies developed in Poland. As many as 219 projects were submitted to this year’s edition.

You can read more about the awarded solution in the “Patent to breathe cleaner air” article.

The detailed list of winners is available at www.parp.gov.pl.

Na ciemnoniebieskim tle widoczna jest jasnoniebieska żarówka oraz ikony związane z nauką: wykres, atom, linijka, zegar, probówka, znaki matematyczne, mikroskop/On dark blue background visible light blue bulb and icons connected with science: chart, atom, ruler, clock, test tube, mathematical symbols, microscope

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