First steps in USOSweb service
Logging to the USOSweb service as well as to the remaining services that operate together with the USOS system occurs by means of the Central System of Certification of the University of Silesia (CAS). Student record book number or their email address may be the CAS identifier. Students who commence studies at the University of Silesia log in via a password used in the Internet Candidate Registration system (IRK). In case of loss of password to the CAS account, one may reset the password by indicating electronic post address used in the IT systems of the University of Silesia.
Remember! CAS account that lets you log into the USOSweb service will be created only after inputting your data by the dean’s office employee into the USOS system. The dean’s office should enter the data in the shortest possible time (usually it takes up to seven days form the moment of document delivery), however, sometimes, due to various reasons, such data are entered later. You will be informed via mail about creating your account in the USOSweb service.
The key elements of USOSweb service
PLAN OF CLASSES – individual plan of classes of a student is displayed there subject to being assigned to class groups. Depending on the major to which a given student is allocated, allocation to classes occurs through the module of electronic registration or it is performed directly by the dean’s office.
CLASS GROUPS – overview of class groups to which a student of a given academic year is allocated. From this level it is the easiest to view the syllabus of the subject we are interested in. All it takes is to click directly on the name of the subject containing reference to the catalogue.
USOSMail – a module that enables email communication between the members of the academic community. It enables sending messages to the class supervisor or to co-participants of class groups.
REGISTRATIONS – online registration for subjects is carried out on the majority of faculties. It may cover all the subjects within the plan of studies or a certain part of them. Planning and ongoing registrations may be verified in USOSweb, by clicking on the side menu CALENDAR OF REGISTRATION and selecting the unit that runs studies. Registrations are accessible directly by Students, being displayed after logging in the menu FOR STUDENTS → REGISTRATIONS.
Registrations to PE classes, prepared by the Centre for Physical Education and Sport, are enabled by the UL service available at the address About a week before commencement of registration, students are granted tokens which enable them to register to a given subject. If you cannot see a token in your basket after logging into the UL service, report this fact to the dean’s office.
Registrations for language classes offered by the Foreign Language Teaching Centre (SPNJO) are available in the USOSweb service. While entering the FOR STUDENTS → REGISTRATION module you should select the link “token registrations”. Language classes are based on the so-called dedicated groups, which means that for each major languages are specified from amongst which a student may make their selection, hence, it is not always possible to register to any language of one’s choice. In case of the lack of tokens on the subpage “My tokens” you should contact SPNJO.
FINAL GRADES – overview of grades granted by academic teachers. Grades in USOSweb are at present the only source of information for the dean’s office about the effects of exam sessions, thus, it is worth to verify their completeness and correctness.
APPLICATIONS – possibility of submitting an electronic application to the dean’s office. One should bear in mind that solely the selected cases are serviced in this way. The list of matters to be organized in the dean’s office is displayed after clicking the tab “Submit new application”.
RANKINGS – the module in which the student’s position is displayed for the purpose of establishing the order upon applying for various resources. One of such resources is the rector’s scholarship for the best students or a foreign travel for student exchange in the framework of international programmes.
SCHOLARSHIPS – a tab that enables verification of assigned scholarships and introduction of account numbers to which transfers of scholarship provisions will be made.
This tab contains various general modules, such as:
BANK ACCOUNTS – it allows to verify individual bank accounts to which students should make payments related to studies.
APPLICATIONS FOR STUDENT RESIDENCE HALLS – overview of statuses of the submitted applications for the student resident hall.
US EMAIL – overview and change of student address of electronic post saved in the USOS system.
OFFICE365 ACCOUNT – registration in the OffIce365 service, offering access to one of the platforms of remote education and group Teams communication, file cloud OneDrive, Outlook post and user applications such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint.
APPLICATIONS – a list of applications which a given student may submit in the framework of his unit and programme of studies, i.e. application for assigning provision from the Scholarship Fund.
STUDENT ID CARD PHOTOGRAPHS – overview of current photographs for student ID card and settings of preferences of viewing them. In case of a loss of student ID card one may print an application for re-issuance of a new one. If a photograph is outdated, one must turn to the dean’s office with a request to obtain a one-off authorization to download a new one.
Detailed instructions for the basic modules of USOSweb are always placed on the main website of the USOSweb service in the section FOR STUDENTS.