Student and PhD Student Ombudsperson
The tasks of the Ombudsperson include, in particular:
- protection of student, doctoral student and post-graduate student rights at the University of Silesia,
- undertaking mediations in conflict and crisis situations,
- consulting in the scope of regulatory provisions for the course of education, including in the scope of scholarships,
- passing to the authorities of the university of reports on the problem situations concerning students, doctoral students and participants of post-graduate studies.
While performing his obligations the ombudsperson is entitled, in particular:
- to turn to the rector and the persons performing the functions at the university,
- to participate with a consulting vote in the university sessions of the Education and Student Affairs Committee, Faculty Education and Student Affairs Committees and Programme Councils,
- upon student, doctoral student or post-graduate student’s consent, to obtain access to documentation related to the course of their education, including in the scope of scholarships,
- Upon student, doctoral student or post-graduate student consent to participate in the disciplinary proceeding concerning that person, in particular in the sessions of the disciplinary committees and hearings.
Detailed scope of tasks and authorizations of the ombudsman is specified by the rector.