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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
  • English
Doctoral School
Logo European City of Science 2024

Workshops with journal editors: Arjan van Dijk, publishing house: Brill

16.10.2023 - 14:26 update 02.11.2023 - 15:29
Editors: Ryszard Knapek

Workshops with journal editors

editor: Arjan van Dijk, publishing house: Brill

We invite you to the first meeting in a series of workshops with magazine editors for Phd students. This is part of the “Preparation of scientific texts and critical text analysis” course- each doctoral student during his/her education should participate in at least three such meetings.

Meeting with the editor of the Brill publishing house (https://brill.com/), a world-recognized publishing house in the field of humanities, social sciences and law.

In his daily work, editor Arjan van Dijk mainly deals with works in the field of history, Reformation and Renaissance studies, intellectual history and American studies.

The meeting will be held in English.

Time: October 17, 2023, at 15:30, online; the meeting will last approximately 2 hours

Code do MS Teams: 9cfao71

Link to the meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a3Ed7HtUDgfXBt8jl0U9Oop5Ne2egv-0Id11pd0KlBe01%40thread.tacv2/1697458722793?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2250c76291-0c80-4444-a2fb-4f8ab168c311%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%229cae5104-85d7-4e12-8a7e-f6765806eed9%22%7d

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