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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
  • English
Doctoral School
Logo European City of Science 2024

Planning a scientific career and personal development

15 hours, 1 ECTS

Workshops suggested for the 1st year (supporting the preparation of the IRP).

Schedule of classes: Planowanie kariery naukowej i rozwój osobisty 2022-2023L.xlsx

Registration for classes from February 20, 2023 at 5:00 p.m


Preparation of scientific texts and critical analysis of the text

30 hours, 4 ECTS

Classes are divided into two parts:

exercises with researchers experienced in preparing scientific publications and working with scientific text

meetings with editors of prestigious scientific journals

Classes – 15 hours of classes in groups divided into areas

Schedule:Przygotowanie tekstów naukowych i krytyczna analiza tekstu.xlsx

Meetings with editors

Each doctoral student must participate in at least three such meetings, lasting up to 5 hours, until the end of their education. The schedule of meetings will be published regularly on a particular website.


Academic English II

60 hours (30 in the winter semester and 30 in the summer semester), 4 ECTS

Continuation of classes from the winter semester. Classes are conducted remotely (with one exception). Classes for all PhD students, including implementation and foreign language courses.

Classes are divided into disciplines and carried out in three-hour blocks throughout the semester.

Schedule: Academic English 2 – 2022-2023.xlsx

Classes do not require logging in – PhD students are enrolled in groups from the winter semester – any changes should be discussed with the lecturers and reported to the DS office.


Intellectual property law and copyright

15 hours, 2 ECTS

Leader and coordinator: dr hab. Anna Chorażewska, prof. UŚ

Classes in area groups – humanities, theology, art, and social sciences. Remote classes.

Schedule: Prawo własności intelektualnej i prawo autorskie 2022-2023L.xlsx

Registration for classes from February 20, 2023, at 5:00 p.m

English-speaking group, implementation doctoral students, and the area of ​​exact and natural sciences, as well as engineering and technology – classes for these doctoral students, were held in the winter semester. If you need to make up for classes, please contact the teacher.


Self-presentation and dissemination of research findings

15 hours, 2 ECTS

During classes, young researchers will learn how to effectively conduct scientific communication in public space – how to present the results of their research in the media, at schools, or science festivals.

Class schedules and registration deadlines will be announced soon.


English language course and other language courses

additional classes (optional), 2 ECTS

Continuing classes from the first semester – PhD students will be transferred to groups without registration.

If you need to change it, please contact the DS office.


Optional classes

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer of optional classes for doctoral students of the Doctoral School in the summer semester of the academic year 2022/2023.

Classes will be conducted as described. In case of deficiencies, the details will be agreed upon with registered PhD students. Classes described as “Polish / English” will be conducted in English if non-Polish-speaking doctoral students sign up for them.

Offer: moduły fakultatywne 2022-2023L.xlsx

Registration for classes will start on February 27, 2023, at 21:00.


Doctoral seminar and tutoring

Individual classes (seminar, tutoring) are implemented as required. The tutor and the doctoral student decide on the form of classes and the criteria for passing them.

If something needs to be corrected in USOS – report it to the DS office.

If you start cooperation with a tutor from outside the University of Silesia – inform the office about the working dates and ask about signing the contract.

Contact in both cases: Agnieszka Szewczyk

More about tutoring: expert tutoring at the Doctoral School


Warsztaty doktoranckie 1 - przygotowanie planu badawczego

3 godziny, 1 ECTS

Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów pierwszego roku, którzy przygotowują Indywidualny plan badawczy.

Zajęcia w postaci jednorazowego spotkania z koordynatorem obszarowym.

Harmonogram: Doctoral workshop 1 – research plan preparation 24-25L.xlsx

Zajęcia nie wymagają rejestracji – doktoranci są umieszczeni w odpowiednich grupach i otrzymują link do spotkania online.

Doktoranci starszych roczników zainteresowani dołączeniem do warsztatów z IPB proszeni są o kontakt z biurem SD do 1 marca.


Ethics in Research / Ethics in Art

10 hours, 2 ECTS

Doctoral students of all scientific disciplines

Groups in Polish and in English.

The course suggested for doctoral students of the first year, especially if they are going to apply for grants.

coordinator: dr hab. Monika Jagielska, prof. UŚ

teachers: dr hab. Monika Jagielska, prof. UŚ, dr hab. Mariusz Jagielski, prof. UŚ

schedule: Ethics in Research 24-25L.xlsx

Registration for classes from 5.02.2025, 20:00 in USOSweb

Doctoral students of artistic disciplines

In Polish only.

Schedule: Ethics in Art 24-25L.xlsx


Preparation and implementation of a research / art project

30 hours, 5 ECTS (including grant application)

Doctoral students of all scientific disciplines

The course for doctoral students preparing grant applications, in particular NCN Preludium. The condition for enrolling in the course is a plan to submit a grant application in this academic year*.

The basis for passing the classes is the preparation of a grant application. The decision on whether the application will be submitted is made by the teachers in consultation with the doctoral student and the PhD supervisor.

Classes consisting of four elements:

  1. Introduction – model and strategies for preparing a project.
  2. Substantive work on the application.
  3. Formal side of the application – faculty’s project offices.
  4. Data management plan.

Schedule (under construction): Reserch project preparation and implementation 24-25L.xlsx

When registering, the doctoral student selects the group corresponding to his or her discipline.

Registration for classes from 5.02.2025, 20:00 in USOSweb.

*PhD students who are exempt from the obligation to submit a grant application, but not exempt from the obligation to pass this module prepare a grant application during the course but do not send it to the financing institution.

Doctoral students of artistic disciplines

Classes supporting PhD students in finding sources of financing for artistic activity, obtaining internships and artistic residencies, etc.

Remote classes, divided into disciplines.

Schedule (under construction): Art project preparation and implementation 24-25L.xlsx


Doctoral workshops - presentation of the research plan

10 hours, 2 ECTS

Compulsory course for second-year PhD students who are taking the mid-term evaluation.

The goal of thee course is to improve the skills of presenting one’s research to a scientific audience, particularly during the mid-term evaluation.

Schedule: Doctoral workshop 2 – research plan presentation 24-25L.xlsx

You don’t have to register. Doctoral students will be put in the groups of their disciplines. Passing this course during the second year is mandatory.


Academic English II

40 hours (20 hours in winter and 20 hours in summer), 4 ECTS

Continuation of classes from the winter semester. Classes conducted remotely (except for chemical sciences). Classes for all doctoral students, including implementation and non-Polish-speaking ones.

Schedule: Academic English 2 24-25L.xlsx

You don’t have to register. Doctoral students will be transferred from the last semester.


Developing scientific papers and critical text analysis

20 hours, 4 ECTS (30 hours for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 year)

For scientific disciplines classes are divided for two parts:

  1. Classes with researchers experienced in preparing scientific publications and working with scientific texts
  2. Meetings with journal editors

The first part of the classes – 15 hours in disciplines’ groups

Schedule: Developing scientific papers and critical text analysis 24-25L.xlsx

Registration for classes from 5.02.2025, 20:00 in USOSweb

Meetings with editors

Each doctoral student is required to participate in at least three such meetings (years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023) or at least one such meeting (years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025) until the end of their education. The schedule of meetings will be published on an ongoing basis on a separate website.

First meeting – March 25, 3:30 p.m. (online), Dr. Mauro Arturo Rivera-Leon (details coming soon).

For doctoral students from artistic disciplines, the course is organized as one longer classes (in schedule above).


Intellectual property law

15 hours, 2 ECTS

Teacher and coordinator: dr hab. Anna Chorążewska, prof. UŚ

Classes (mixed) for social sciences and for humanistics and theology.

Schedule: Intellectual property law 24-25L.xlsx

Registration for classes from 5.02.2025, 20:00 in USOSweb.

English-speaking group, implementation doctoral students, the area of ​​exact and natural sciences and engineering and technology and doctoral students of artistic disciplines – courses for these doctoral students will be organized in the winter semester.


Planning a scientific career and personal development

8 hours, 1 ECTS for 2023/2024 / 15 hours, 1 ECTS for former years

The module is implemented in the form of a series of lectures and meetings with experienced scientists from the University of Silesia in Katowice and other universities.

Assuming that each meeting lasts approx. 2 hours, PhD students from the 2023/2024 should participate in 4 such meetings, and PhD students from older years – 8 meetings. “Collecting” credits can be spread over several semesters, but this year (2024/2025) classes in a complete form are organized at the Doctoral School for the last time.

Passing the module can also be done on the basis of other activities related to developing a scientific career. Consent to passing the credit is issued by the area coordinator.

Information about meetings will be published on an ongoing basis.

A PhD student who has met the requirements for passing fills out the form that is the basis for passing the module: https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/5881


Popularization of science

5 hours, 1 ECTS

Classes during which young researchers will learn how to effectively conduct scientific communication in the public space – how to present the results of their research in the media, in schools, in the form of texts or at science festivals, how to organize scientific places.

Description of the offer and schedule: (soon)

Registration in USOSweb: from 05.02.2025 at 20:00

Classes in this form are required for PhD students of the 2023/2024 year. In previous years, the module was implemented under the name Autopresentation and dissemination of research (15 hours). PhD students of previous cohorts who have not yet passed this module should additionally demonstrate some popular science activity.


English language course

additional (not mandatory) course, 2 ECTS

Continuation of the course for the first semester. Doctoral students are put in the USOS without registration. If anything should be changed, please contact the Doctoral School’s office.

Schedule: English language course 24-25L.xlsx


Optional courses

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer of facultative (open to everyone) and specialized (aimed at selected disciplines) classes for PhD students of the Doctoral School in the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025.

Description of facultative modules: (soon)

Description of specialization modules: (soon)


Classes will be conducted according to the description. In the event of deficiencies, details will be agreed with registered PhD students. Classes described as “Polish/English” will be conducted in English if non-Polish-speaking PhD students sign up for them.

Registration for classes will begin on 12.02.2025 at 20:00.

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