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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
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Doctoral School
Logo European City of Science 2024

On August 29, 2024, the Dean of the Doctoral School and the Dean of the International Environmental Doctoral School announced a competition for funds for the scientific and artistic activities of doctoral students financed by the European City of Science Katowice 2024.

Basic information:

  • Closing date of the application form: September 16, 2024 at 11:00
  • Deadline for confirmation by the supervisor: September 17, 2024, 11:00 – via the application form.
  • Link to the application form for a doctoral student: https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/5499
  • Link to the acceptance form for the supervisor: https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/5500
  • Planned date of announcement of the results: after September 24, 2024, on the website of the Doctoral School.

Application procedure:

  1. The doctoral student completes and sends the SRW form (https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/5499), then confirms the application submission by clicking on the link sent by the system. System closure date: September 16, 2024 (Monday) 11:00.
  2. The doctoral student submits the completed form in electronic or paper format, identical to the form submitted in the school’s IT system, to the supervisor for approval.
  3. The supervisor informs the Doctoral School about the acceptance of the form by completing the form https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/5500. Deadline for confirmation by the supervisor: September 17, 2024 (Tuesday) 11:00.
  1. The supervisor must confirm applications to be considered (without requesting additional information).
  2. Applications that do not fulfill any of the formal requirements arising from the regulations will not be considered (without requesting additional information or correction).
  3. The committee’s decision is final and cannot be appealed against.

The most important rules of the competition (extracted from the Regulations):

  1. No funds exceeding PLN 15,000 will be awarded per doctoral student. Applications submitted by one doctoral student for a total amount exceeding PLN 15,000 will be rejected in full.
  2. A doctoral student should submit several applications if he or she wants to apply for funding for various activities (for a total amount not exceeding PLN 15,000).
  3. The competition introduces a limit on the funds that can be applied for in individual categories (not exceeding PLN 15,000 in total): international mobility – PLN 10,000; domestic mobility – PLN 5,000; other (including specialized purchases, services, books) – PLN 5,000.
  4. The competition may only finance funds to be spent in the period after the competition results, in compliance with the rules applicable at the University of Silesia in Katowice.
  5. The competition may only include funds to be spent in the calendar year 2024. Applications that the committee considers impossible to implement will be rejected.
  6. A doctoral student who has submitted an individual research plan should apply for funds planned in the IRP budget. Other activities will be financed only if funds remain available after financing all activities included in the IRP (this rule does not apply to first-year PhD students).

Full text of the Regulations: Regulations of the competition – European City of Science Katowice

Funding from the subsidy of the Minister of Science for the implementation of the event European City of Science Katowice 2024 (EMNK2024)

Dofinansowanie z subwencji Ministra Nauki na realizację wydarzenia Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024 (EMNK2024)

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