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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Doctoral School
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Annual Transform4Europe PhD conference “Societies on the Move: Challenges of Today, Prospects for the Future“

The Annual Transform4Europe PhD conference “Societies on the Move: Challenges of Today, Prospects for the Future“ will be hosted by Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in Sofia on 1-2 April 2025. Outstanding keynote speakers will deliver visionary and plenary speeches. Doctoral students and early-stage academics from all scientific areas are kindly invited to participate, showcase...

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Call for papers – First Annual Transform4Europe PhD conference

 First Annual Transform4Europe PhD conference “Societal Transformations and Sustainable Development with Respect to Environment in the Post Covid-19 Digital Era“ (An international multidisciplinary conference for PhD students and early-stage academics) Call for Papers 8-9 December 2021 The Transfor4Europe Alliance comprises seven universities from different regions in Europe: Saarland University (Germany) The University of Alicante (Spain)...

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