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University of Silesia in Katowice

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USil advances in the UniRank 2022 ranking of universities

06.10.2022 - 16:09 update 10.10.2022 - 10:02
Editors: OO
Tags: ranking

In the new edition of the world ranking of universities UniRank 2022, the University of Silesia in Katowice took 11th place out of 128 assessed Polish universities. It is also the best result among all Silesian academic institutions. In the world ranking, our University moved up 310 positions and was ranked 966th out of approximately 13,800 universities included. This is another advancement of USil in the rankings evaluating universities – in the ranking of the Polish Patent Office for 2021, our University was ranked 1st among the classical universities, while in the Perspektywy University Ranking 2022 we took the high 8th place among universities.

UniRank is intended to define the popularity and visibility of universities on the Internet (e.g. on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube). USil has been improving communication in social media and on websites for some time. One of the effects of this is development of a communication guide for employees, students and PhD students of USil, which contains useful tips related to efficient communication. In the context of websites, activities related to UX and SEO are also carried out.

Such a high position in the UniRank ranking was influenced, among others, by the quick and effective response to the pandemic and introduction of online education. From the beginning of the pandemic, USil has been working on the implementation and development of distance learning – a distance learning guide and zdalny.us.edu.pl website have been created. In addition, as part of the DUO project, activities were undertaken related to the implementation of a remote educational system, which is currently in the testing phase.

The ranking results are available on the website:  www.4icu.org/pl.

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