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University of Silesia in Katowice

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‘Power Duets’ – online meetings

16.03.2023 - 12:58, update 20.03.2023 - 10:53
Editors: K.S

‘Power Duets’ is a series of free webinars and interdisciplinary meetings aimed at exchanging views and ideas among people responsible for educating children and youth.

The idea of ​​the event is to organise two online meetings each time conducted by education and teaching methodology experts.


  • 21.03.2023, 4.30–6.30 p.m. – Marek Kaczmarzyk, PhD, Associate Professor, „Szybkość zmian a możliwości przystosowania, czyli o mózgach w warunkach różnic kulturowych” [The speed of change and adaptability, or about brains in the conditions of cultural differences] – changes taking place in the modern world are faster and more rapidly affect the developing brains, among others due to unlimited access to information. The lack of selection forces brains to make natural selection that singles out information about potential threats. As a result, difficulties become challenges, and these often destabilise both nervous and social systems;
  • 22.03.2023, 4.30–6.30 p.m. – Krzysztof Stradomski, „Prawne aspekty w pracy nauczyciela, z uwzględnieniem kontekstu nauczania osób z doświadczeniem uchodźczym” [Legal aspects of the teacher’s work, taking into account the context of teaching people with refugee experience] – the aim of the training is to familiarise participants with the regulations governing the legal position of teachers in schools attended by students with refugee experience. What will be discussed in particular are the duties of teachers in the field of didactic, educational and care work as well as the rights that teachers have in the implementation of these tasks. During the training, the regulations regarding the employment of teachers during Russia’s aggression against Ukraine (the so-called Ukrainian special act) and the regulations regarding the improvement of professional qualifications will be discussed.

The event will take place on the MS Teams platform.

To participate in the meetings, please fill out the registration form.

The organisers of ‘Power Duets’ are the Open University at the University of Silesia and the City of Katowice.

The meetings are funded with support from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

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