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University of Silesia in Katowice

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[ONLINE] Open lecture by Prof. John Matteson – “A Novelist Under Oath: The Aesthetic of the Non-Fiction Historical Narrative”

05.10.2021 - 13:05, update 05.10.2021 - 23:10
Editors: AJS
Tags: Metropolitalny Fundusz Wspierania Nauki, Metropolitan Science Support Fund

The University of Silesia in Katowice, Metropolis GZM and Silesian Library encourage to participate in seminars for students and open lectures conducted by Prof. John Matteson from the City University of New York (CUNY), a Pulitzer Prize winner.

“A Novelist Under Oath: The Aesthetic of the Non-Fiction Historical Narrative”

(„Powieściopisarz pod przysięgą: estetyka historycznej literatury faktu”)


This lecture considers the position of biographer as a “novelist under oath”, an author ethically obliged to aim to reveal truth. However, truth can be revealed in many ways, and a variety of means such as rhetorics, stylistic devices and higher-level aesthetical choices, among others, serve to achieve this goal.  Prof. Matteson examines the relationships between aesthetics, biographer’s moral obligation and historical truth, sharing his own rich experience with the audience.

Login data: https://www.facebook.com/BibliotekaSlaskaKatowice/.

The open lectures with consecutive transation into Polish on Zoom platform of the Silesian Library are addressed to everyone interested in the history of culture, biographical studies, as well as history and culture of the USA.
Participation in these events does not require prior registration.

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The project entitled „Metropolis for Metropolis, or the New York Pulitzer Prize winner for Silesia and Zagłębie has been co-funded by Metropolis GZM under Metropolitan Science and Assistance Support Fund for 2019–2022. The funding amount was PLN 154,541.

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