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University of Silesia in Katowice

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The researchers developed organic bacteriostatic material

06.03.2019 - 12:03 update 27.01.2020 - 15:42
Editors: admin
Tags: patent

Every day we use various products that are, among others, bacteriostatic. Toothbrushes, shower cabins, earphones, keyboards, even mobile phones are the examples of the objects on surface of which bacteria multiply. It is because through time contamination of various type, e.g., tallow, food remains or dust, is being deposited on their surface, and becomes a perfect growing medium for microorganisms. One of the solutions is the use of protecting surfaces that contain nanoparticles. The team of researchers from the University of Silesia and Medical University of Silesia in Katowice developed a new organic material that prevents growth and multiplication of bacteria. In the future this material could be used to cover both medical products and objects of everyday use that require bacteriostatic protection. This invention has been patented.

The authors are the researchers from the Institute of Computer and Material Science at the University of Silesia: Dr Andrzej Swinarew, Tomasz Flak MSc, Marta Łężniak MSc, Jadwiga Gabor MSc, Dr Hubert Okła, Klaudia Kubik MSc, and Beata Rozwadowska MSc from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.

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