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University of Silesia in Katowice

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NAWA accreditation for School of Polish Language and Culture

As a result of the call for proposals announced by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), the School of Polish Language and Culture has received accreditation for the implementation of Polish language courses for the years 2021-2023. Therefore, the School of Polish Language and Culture is among the 12 Polish universities that have...

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Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange scholarships for foreign scientists to visit the University of Silesia

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced the results of the second edition of the Ulam Programme, under which scientists from foreign institutions are invited to cooperate with Polish universities and research units. The scholarships were granted to 76 researchers. Four of them will be hosted by the University of Silesia: Manoj...

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The NAWA Chair programme

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce the NAWA Chair programme. The objective of the NAWA Chair programme is to support the highest quality scientific and research as well as didactic activities conducted by Polish academic and scientific units by including world-class foreign scientists in these activities. The programme is...

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Prof. Tomasz Pietrzykowski Appointed Chairman of the Board in NAWA

Prof. Tomasz Pietrzykowski, Vice-Rector for International and Domestic Cooperation at the University of Silesia in Katowice, will supervise the work of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), as well as hold the position of the representative of Minister in charge of Higher Education in the Agency’s Board. He received his appointment on 21...

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