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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Psychovocational assessment

What are psychovocational tests?

The psychovocational test is a tool that will help you explore your hidden talents – you will discover the strengths that make you stand out, and the skills that still need to be improved. These tests are more and more often used by employers in recruitment processes to determine the professional aptitude of candidates, and assess the level of their skills useful for performing a specific job.

What qualities or skills are checked by psychovocational tests?

A career advisor may offer you to complete the following psychovocational tests:

  • Multidimensional Preferences Questionnaire – it allows you to create a list of recommended and discouraged professions on the basis of your interests. Duration: 20 minutes,
  • Professional Interests Questionnaire – it indicates the characteristics of the activities that will give you the greatest pleasure. The results allow you to determine in which areas you can pursue your professional career. Duration: 15 minutes,
  • NEO – FFI Personality Inventory – it allows the assessment of an individual on five dimensions of personality, the so – called Big Five personality traits. (basic features: Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness). Duration: 15 minutes,
  • Rokeach Value Survey – it is used to study the system of values. It allows you to reflect on your own hierarchy of values and compare it with the value system of the appropriate age group. Duration: 20 minutes,
  • Questionnaire ‘My career’ – it is used to study motivation and values at work. It allows you to reflect on your own competencies, motivation to work and the system of values. Duration: 20 minutes,
  • Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – allows you to measure your overall emotional intelligence quotient and learn detailed information on accepting, expressing and managing your own emotions, understanding and recognising emotions of others, and controlling and understanding your own emotions. Duration: 20 minutes,
  • Social Competencies Questionnaire – allows to examine your overall effectiveness

in various social situations, and to describe the level of competence in situations of social exposure, situations requiring assertiveness and situations of close interpersonal contact. Duration: 20 minutes,

  • The Raven Matrix Test in the Standard Version (TMS – Plus) – it is used to measure the level of general intelligence, namely fluid intelligence (innate). Duration: 60 minutes,
  • Multiple Intelligences Test – it is based on Gardner’s theory of intelligence and allows you to check which type of intelligence is currently dominant. Duration: 15 minutes,
  • The Formal Characteristics of Behaviour—Temperament Inventory (FCB—TI) – it is used to diagnose temperament and its impact on human functioning. Duration: 30 minutes.

How is the examination with the use of psychovocational tests conducted?

During our first meeting, we can talk about our expectations, plans, dreams – everything that may be important for and to your professional career. Thanks to this, our career advisor will be able to prepare for you several research questionnaires (3 – 4), selected individually for your needs. After completing the tests, you will be invited to a second meeting with your career advisor – this time to discuss your results. And then what? You can use the knowledge about your strengths in the labour market, sign up for training that will strengthen your development areas, or arrange another meeting with the career advisor to develop your Individual Action Plan in your professional life.

Who conducts psychovocational tests at the Career Office?

The tests are conducted by Małgorzata Chatys and Ewelina Skubała-Skrzynecka – our professional advisors and career coaches.

How do I make an appointment with a career advisor?

If you want to explore your personal and professional potential, make an appointment with our career advisor by phone: (32) 359 20 32 / (32) 359 19 77 or send an e–mail to: bk@us.edu.pl to arrange a meeting date.

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