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University of Silesia in Katowice

  • Polski
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Individual Course of Studies

  • it is designated for exceptional students who have a high average of grades already at the very beginning of their education,
  • it consists in selecting subjects (modules) under realization of education in the scope provided for in a given programme and in an additional scope as well as in participation of the student in scientific-research works, development and implementation works that interest them,
  • In case of carrying out ICS studies the period of studies may be shortened.

Who may apply for ICS?

  • a student who completed the first semester of studies and obtained an average of grades above 4.0 (didactic council proper for a given programme of studies may increase the required average of grades),
  • a student who was employed at the university due to gaining by him individually or in a team a grant for the financing of scientific activities,
  • a student who completed studies of the first degree with and excellent score and who continues studies of the second degree, having presented a written detailed concept of ICS studies realization,
  • a student who is a winner or a finalist of a finalist of an Olympics of the central level or a winner of an international or all-Poland contest – from the moment of commencing studies.

Find more information here: us.edu.pl/student/studia/tok-studiow-2/ios-czyli-indywidualna-organizacja-studiow.

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