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Plan a safe start of your professional career with the University of Silesia

23.02.2021 - 12:12 update 02.07.2021 - 14:54
Editors: JW

The project „STUDIES AND WHAT NEXT? – increasing the competitiveness of University of Silesia students in the labour market” will help you plan entering the labour market.

Completing studies does not usually mean that the graduate is officially provided with keys to great professional career. Most frequently, a student leaving their university is harshly confronted with the changing, whimsical and demanding labour market. Fighting on your own is very exhaustive and does not guarantee success, even despite a heroic struggle. So, when you are about to finish your studies, you don’t have to wear a superhero cloak right away and confront the future face to face. It’s better to call for help and have some solid training with specialists. The University of Silesia is the place where you prepare to take one of the most important steps in your life. The experts working in the Career Office will show you the best direction, help you develop your soft skills and support you in arranging your life well. Most importantly, they will do it absolutely for free.

Get to know your talents!

The support you can rely on in the Career Office includes talent test, competency tests and coaching, i.e. career counselling. Let’s have a look at all three of them:

Talent test

Everyone has some talent. Even if you doubt it while you are reading this text, it’s good to find out for yourself. The best way is to go through the test thanks to which you will get to know your four dominating talents. Remember that discovering your aptitudes is an extremely important element in choosing your future professional area. If you know what comes easy for you, you will be able to plan your job in a more effective way – it’s just enough to use your superpowers! Check where your talents lie and make sure your future job is your passion as well.

Competency tests

Competencies consist of three key elements: knowledge, skills and attitude. It is thanks to them that you can perform the entrusted tasks efficiently and effectively. If they are highly developed, they give you the ability to actively participate in professional and social life.

Check your competency profile with regard to the profession you are interested in, or complete the test consisting of 4 key competencies selected based on the research of employers’ expectations towards students and graduates of the University of Silesia.

The tool proposed by Career Office at the University of Silesia has been developed for the recruitment needs of large companies. By completing the test you will get to know both your strong sides and the tool that you may come across in the future recruitment process.

Career consultations – interview gives power!

All starts with an interview – this is an important factor which decides about how your future employer will see you. Open up and don’t be afraid to speak. If you feel that you need support in planning further development path, whether at the University, or in professional life, use the support of a consultant or career coach. You come to use with something that bothers you, and we will help you find solutions.

Career consultations (coaching) is a series of 5 online meetings with a career coach. Additionally, during the meetings you have a chance to take both talent test and competency test – it’s a very complex form of support. Thanks to career consultations you will effectively set your goals, discover your potential, plan your career path or obtain support in introducing changes into your life!

Plan your future

The predisposition/competency test and career counselling is available to 3rd year students of 1st cycle studies, 2nd year students of 2nd cycle studies and 5th year students of long-cycle studies who are either not professionally active, or employed based on a civil-law agreement (in the case of coaching not longer than for 3 months from the moment of joining the project).

The project „STUDIES AND WHAT NEXT? – increasing the competitiveness of University of Silesia students in the labour market” is funded by the EU under European Social Fund.

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