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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Doctoral School
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Admission to the international doctorates within Transform4Europe PhD Tracks

18.05.2024 - 11:43 update 28.05.2024 - 14:48
Editors: Ryszard Knapek
Tags: doktorat, rekrutacja, T4E, T4EU

PhD at the University of Silesia as part of T4EU PhD Tracks

The University of Silesia in Katowice is initiating a new path for educating doctoral students as part of the Transform4Europe consortium of European universities. Candidates accepted for projects under T4EU PhD Tracks will be doctoral students at the University of Silesia, but they will carry out some of their tasks at the partner universities of the Transform4Europe consortium, under the supervision of so-called advisors – researchers from these universities, who will support the doctoral student and the supervisor in the preparation of the doctoral dissertation.

Each doctoral student will have one or more advisors, and therefore – they will spend part of their education at foreign European universities, for example in Alicante (Spain), Trieste (Italy), Pirmorska (Slovenia) or Kaunas (Lithuania).


Admission for academic year 2024/2025

Admission has just started and will last until May 31. This year, the University of Silesia launched as many as 10 pilot projects:

1. Experimental remediation techniques of the soil and water environment in the area of groundwater pollution sources (Earth and environmental sciences), supervisor: dr hab. Dominika Dąbrowska, prof. University of Silesia.
2. The role of spontaneous vegetation in shaping soil micro-food webs and carbon sequestration on mineral extraction areas (biological sciences), supervisor: dr hab. Gabriela Woźniak, prof. University of Silesia.
3. Understanding the Role of ABA in Climate Resilience through Alternative Splicing in Barley (biological sciences), supervisor: dr hab. Agata Daszkowska-Golec, prof. University of Silesia.
4. Narratives of Transformation (literary studies), supervisor: dr hab. Paweł Tomczok, prof. University of Silesia.
5. Technē and Epistēmē in the 21st Century. The Impact of Digital Technologies on Knowledge Production and Humanistically-Oriented Epistemologies (philosophy), supervisor: dr hab. Michał Krzykawski, prof. University of Silesia
6. New materials for medical applications (biomedical engineering), supervisor: dr hab. Grzegorz Dercz, prof. University of Silesia.
7. Early detection of side spine curvature in children by using thermovision (biomedical engineering), supervisor: Prof. Ph.D. engineer Armand Cholewka.
8. Procedural generation of artistic patterns (computer science), supervisor: dr hab. Krzysztof Gdawiec, prof. University of Silesia.
9. Protecting vulnerable entities in the time of digital transformation (legal sciences), supervisor: dr hab. Monika Jagielska, prof. University of Silesia.
10. Life with intelligent machines. Robot cultures in hybrid societies (cultural sciences), supervisor: Ph.D. Anna Malinowska, prof. University of Silesia.

Rules of admission

A full description of all projects along with the requirements for candidates can be found on the website of the Doctoral School – announcements of open calls.

Admission is a two-stage process – first, the committee evaluates the documents presented by the candidates, and then invites selected candidates for an interview. Interviews may take place online.

Registration and sending documents must be carried with the IRK admission system: https://irk2.us.edu.pl/.

Admission fee: PLN 400.

The selection results will be announced by June 17.

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