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Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024

International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy, studia II stopnia, kierunek w języku angielskim

The curriculum of the International Studies of Political Science and Diplomacy II degree reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the discipline (political science) in its international aspect. The profile of the studies is all-academic. Their main goal is to prepare the student for professional work in international institutions and organizations, European institutions, diplomatic and consular posts, as well as in government and local administration.
The second-degree program equips the graduate with interdisciplinary knowledge and competencies in the area of social sciences and humanities, as well as the ability to analyze, understand and critically interpret the surrounding political, social and economic reality, with particular emphasis on the relationship between institutions in the state, European and global dimensions.
The goal of the graduate’s education is also to build an awareness of the need for self-education and lifelong learning (Life Long Learning), making him capable of responding to the ever-changing requirements of the modern labour market. Thanks to the implemented program, the graduate is fully prepared to continue his education in diplomatic and consular application. The competencies obtained also enable him to study at the Doctoral School.
The study program was based on the concept of a dual combination of theoretical and practical issues. It involves entrusting the conduct of modules to two groups of lecturers. One is made up of researchers and academic teachers affiliated with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Silesia in Katowice, as well as foreign visiting professors. The other is composed of prominent representatives from the world of diplomacy, public administration and the socio-economic environment of the university. An important element of the program implemented as part of the International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy is study visits to diplomatic missions and institutions related to the deepening of practical knowledge in the field of international relations and politics.
Due to its multilingual and interdisciplinary nature, the offered program occupies a special place in the didactic offer of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the University of Silesia. The basic assumption is to prepare students to solve problems and work in international teams, which is reflected in the introduction of obligatory modules in foreign languages. Compulsory modules are conducted in Polish and English. Therefore, candidates are required to have language skills at a level that allows them to participate in mandatory bilingual classes (English at the B2 proficiency level of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The study program also includes compulsory classes in French and Spanish. Acquisition of competence in this area begins at the basic level. Candidates for study, therefore, do not need to know either French or Spanish beforehand.
Language learning is aimed at acquiring specialized terminology necessary for professional work (French and Spanish in diplomacy).
The course of study was created as a response to the still unmet needs arising from the functioning of Polish diplomacy and administration in EU structures. Indeed, there is an urgent need to prepare a cadre of young, competent graduates who, in the future, will be able to supply Polish (and foreign) public administration units and diplomatic representations.
As part of the International Studies in Political Science and Diplomacy program, students who obtain the best results in the recruitment round will also have the opportunity to obtain a double diploma: a Polish one (issued by the University of Silesia in Katowice) and a Lithuanian one (issued by Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas).

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