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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Patent for Rapeseed Protection | Works by USil Researchers

Researchers at the USil Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection have developed two solutions to protect rapeseed crops from certain pathogens in a natural way. If affected by various fungi, yields of this popular-in-Poland cultivated plan can be decreased by a significant percentage each year. The patented solutions are based on the use of...

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No Limits | We are all equal

What is the article about?What is the article about? People with disabilities form a diverse group, some of whom experience intellectual disabilities. Nowadays, there is more and more talk about social inclusion. The world, including Poland, is becoming more open to people with disabilities and including them. Contact Dorota Prysak, PhD from the Institute of...

Categories: articlesscience and art

Preserved cultural heritage of the Polish countryside. Unique resources of the Archives of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas

The Faculty of Arts and Educational Science of the University of Silesia, located in Cieszyn, is the only entity in Poland and Europe collecting ethnographic materials concerning Polish rural culture of the second half of the 20th century. The discussed collection – Archives of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas (PEA) – contains thousands of questionnaires, surveys,...

Categories: articlesscience and art

No Limits | 3D Printing Revolution in Orthopaedics

What is the article aboutWhat is the article about Personalised implants made using 3D printing make it possible to obtain an excellent reproduction of bone structure or joint geometry. In the near future, such solutions may become hospital standard. Contact Ryszard Tomaszewski, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor – ryszard.tomaszewski@us.edu.pl Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Science...

Categories: articlesscience and art

No Limits | Louise’s Second Life

What is the article about?What is the article about? The political transformation after 1989 necessitated the development of post-industrial areas in Poland. Among other things, the potential for historical, educational, tourist and even natural qualities was recognised in the areas of former mines or steelworks. Contact Marta Chmielewska, PhD from the Institute of Earth Sciences...

Categories: articlesscience and art
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