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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Where else to look for help?

Remember that there are many people both at the university and outside it who can support you – not only the Student and PhD Student Ombudsperson of the University of Silesia.

List of issues:

At the University

Peer support

If you have any problem that you would like to discuss with kind, understanding peers, please contact:

Psychological support

If you struggle with mental health problems or simply feel overwhelmed by problems in your life, you can take advantage of free psychological help at the University of Silesia, as part of the Student Service Centre.

Visit the website: https://us.edu.pl/student/en/.

Support for people with special educational needs

If you experience difficulties over the course of your studies due to disability or disorder, you can apply for individual adjustment of studies. You can also seek other forms of help.

Coordinator for Accessibility provide support in these matters. Visit the website: https://us.edu.pl/student/en/.

Outside the University – nationwide bodies

It would be difficult to enumerate all the authorities, institutions and organisations providing support to students in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

However, we would like to point out that in addition to the Student and PhD Student Ombudsperson of the University of Silesia, you also have two nationwide ombudspersons.

Student Ombudsperson

A nationwide body appointed by the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland. Their tasks include intervening in cases of violation of students’ rights at universities and taking preventive actions aimed at increasing awareness of students’ rights and obligations. 

Visit the website: prawastudenta.edu.pl.

PhD Student Ombudsperson

A nationwide body appointed by the Polish Association of Doctoral Candidates. Their tasks include guarding the rights of doctoral students, investigating signals of suspected violation of doctoral students’ rights and taking possible interventions in the event of violations of doctoral students’ rights.

Visit the website: krd.edu.pl.

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