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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Logo projektu GEPARD

Gender Equality Programme in Academia – Raising Diversity


The aim of the GEPARD project was to create equal opportunities for women and men in the academic environment. For that purpose, we were preparing the system of actions functioning as a part of organisational policy. The actions were aimed at eliminating gender-based discrimination (among both the employees and the students) and simultaneously striving to increase diversity in the academic environment.

The project was realised as a part of the international consortium consisting of higher education institutions from Poland, Austria, Hungary, Cyprus and Malta and an Italian enterprise closely connected with the academic environment. Consortium activities were supported by the associated partner institutions.


The main objective of the project was to include and counteract gender-based exclusion by developing by an international consortium a system of activities understood as organisational policy, leading to the elimination of gender discrimination in the academic environment.

objective 1:

constructing a universal application model of gender equality policy in the academic space

objective 2:

exchange and promotion of good practices in the field of gender equality in academia

objective 3:

strengthening cooperation between the entities involved

objective 4:

promoting inclusion and diversity in the higher education sector


Achieving the project’s objectives and results was possible through:

  1. building a network of cooperation between organisations of various competencies, sectors and experience, operating in various regions of Europe and local environments,
  2. strengthening cooperation between project partners,
  3. various forms of cooperation building creative cooperation between the partners of the consortium. These will be face-to-face meetings, mutual education, remote work – online and offline as part of ongoing project works (internal consultations, brainstorming…),
  4. consultations with the final beneficiaries of the project results,
  5. consultations with experts
  6. working out the intellectual outputs.


The international consortium prepared 4 intellectual results:

Widok ośmiu rąk z dłonią jedna na drugiej/Eight hands, one on the other, in a cricle

Practice in gender equality plans – assumptions, models, inspirations (report)

→ try UGEP toolkit
→ read the final report IO1

Developing Universal Gender Equality Plan plan with model provisions as a tool for application both by the universities associated in the consortium and other stakeholders operating in the academic sphere; Recommendations for the partner universities, indicating specific areas for improvement (with a follow-up procedure), Final Report with a kind of “general comments”, complementing the UGEP and facilitating its interpretation.


Modeling of diagnostic, monitoring and evaluation activities in the context of gender equality in the university space (methodological guide)

→ read the handbook

The guide will present a model of methodological solutions as a set of recommendations in terms of both the diagnosis of gender inequality phenomena in academia and the needs of working and studying women in the area of equality of opportunities and as directions of actions and measures for the implementation of the equality policy (ensuring equal opportunities) as well as in the field of monitoring the progress in the implementation of UGEP.

na stole stoją figurki ludzi objęte dłońmi z obu stron

Paths to equality (a set of information and educational materials)

→ read the set of information and educational materials

A toolkit with guideposts showing good practices and procedures on how to close gender gaps in an academic context.

grupa ludzi siedzi na konferencji i słucha wykładów

Gender equality in academic teaching – an interdisciplinary perspective (teaching materials)

→ read the teaching materials

Set of innovative teaching materials on gender equality and gender discrimination in a context that allows the perception of this complex problem in a diverse educational environment.

Works related to output no. 1: January 2022 – January 2024

Works related to output no. 2: February 2022 – February 2024

Works related to output no. 3: September 2022 – February 2024

Works related to output no. 4: September 2022 – February 2024

Dissemination workshops: February, March 2024

Management & evaluation: January 2022 – March 2024


Project coordinator:

prof. dr hab. Ewa Jarosz
e-mail: ewa.jarosz@us.edu.pl

Administrative project coordinator:

dr Marta Margiel
e-mail: marta.margiel@us.edu.pl

Gender Equality Programme in Academia – Raising Diversity, GEPARD

Project implementation PERIOD: 01.01.2022 – 30.03.2024
BUDGET: 336 255,00 euro
Strategic partnership in higher education sector, Erasmus +

The flag of Europe, text: co-funded by the European Union

This project had been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).

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