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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Doctoral School
Logo European City of Science 2024

Stage I - Rector's consent

Until revoke of Level 2 of COVID-19 security, each PhD student and employee must obtain the Rector’s consent to travel abroad. Therefore, you should:


  1. Prepare an application addressed to the Vice-Rector through the Department of International Cooperation. The application must include a justification for the trip (e.g., in the context of preparing the doctoral dissertation) and information on epidemiological safety (regarding the country and place to which the trip is planned). Data from the organizer (e.g., about admission to a conference, invitation to an internship, etc.) will add value to the application.
  2. PhD student should deliver the application to the Doctoral School’s office in person or the form of a scan sent to diana.pasek@us.edu.pl and prom@us.edu.pl.
  3. After receiving information about the Rector’s consent (e-mail information from the Department of International Cooperation or the Doctoral School), the following stages can be carried out.

Stage II - travel preparation (data and documents)

At this stage, you should precisely determine the date of departure and obtain information from the organizer/host about the possibility of arrival. In the case of conferences and training, it is also about costs. After getting the Rector’s consent for the trip, the doctoral student sends the following pre-filled documents (in the form of editable files) to the address prom@us.edu.pl or other indicated in the correspondence with the Doctoral School office:

After sending the documents, the Doctoral School office contacts to arrange the meeting’s date and sign all documents.

Stage III - signing the documents

After the doctoral student sends the documents, the office prepares the final documents for signature. An office worker responsible for a given case contacts the doctoral student and arranges the date of signing the papers. At this stage, the doctoral student must come to the Doctoral School’s office.

The doctoral student brings with him the following printed documents:

The remaining documents, including those sent earlier, are printed by the office.

Program jest współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój, projekt pozakonkursowy pt. „Międzynarodowa wymiana stypendialna doktorantów i kadry akademickiej”, realizowany w ramach Działania określony we wniosku o dofinansowanie projektu nr POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13/18.

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