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University of Silesia in Katowice

Doctoral School
Logo European City of Science 2024

PROM- rules for settlement departes and arrivals

Participants who have completed the mobility are required to settle it within 7 days from the day that was set on the agreement as the last day of mobility.

The condition for the Participant’s settlement of the scholarship is:

  • submitting the completed financial settlement form to the project office,
  • submitting to the office certificate with a description of learning outcomes signed by a representative of the institution receiving the scholarship holder
  • on-line evaluation survey
  • on-line substantive report

A. NAWA Financial settlement form

The participant delivers the form in accordance with the  attachmet (below on this page).

If the costs of the conference fee, training fee etc. were incurred as part of the mobility, you should also ensure that the project office receives an invoice for this cost. Invoices are sometimes given to participants at the place of the event, and sometimes sent to the address of the university that made the payment. If the participant receives an invoice, he should provide it together with the settlement form.

Due to the fact that the costs of travel, visa, insurance and subsistence are at flat rates, the Beneficiary will not require from participants to collect accounting documents confirming incurring expenses.

The document may be prepared in Polish or English.

B. Cost of referral abroad

Document should be filled and sent to the Doctoral School office by mail.

C. Certificate with a description of the learning effects

The participant together with the settlement provides documents confirming the increase of competences or obtaining qualifications. The document confirming participation in the short form of education and its completion is the certificate with a description of the learning effects. If the host institution of the project participant does not issue its own certificates, the project participant must obtain confirmation on the template attached below. If the nature of the mobility does not indicate an external organizer, the participant should obtain confirmation of the stay from the appropriate institution (e.g. the library, the organizer of the field trip) with clear dates of stay, and prepare the learning effects themselves and obtain their confirmation by the supervisior (in the case of PhD students).

The document may be prepared in Polish or English.

 D. On-line survey

The participant completes a questionnaire, the content of which is forwarded only to NAWA.

The process of completing the evaluation survey:

  1. The evaluation survey for participants is available in two language versions: Polish and English;
  2. The survey can be completed after entering the access code (so-called token)
  3. The participant receives the token at the earliest on the last day of mobility at their own request, i.e. after sending an email with a request to the following address: prom@us.edu.pl
  4. The token is one-off – each participant receives one token and one token is assigned to only one participant.
  5. After the participant completes and sends the survey, the Beneficiary (university) will receive an e-mail with information about this fact.
  6. On NAWA’s side, the contact person for evaluation surveys is: Tomasz Tędziagolski, tedziagolski@nawa.gov.pl.

 E. Substantive report on-line

The participant completes substantive form, which is prepared for the needs of the Beneficiary (i.e. university). The content of the form is the basic for the substantive assessment of the trip, which can be taken into consideration, among others in the next edition of the PROM program and also during the evaluation of phd students at the Doctoral School in scholarship competitions. Content can be forwarded to NAWA and also used for informational and promotional purposes. The content, including contact details, will be forwarded to the Press Section of the University of Silesia. They will also be used for statistical purposes to prepare the application next edition of the program.

Since the content of the on-line survey (above) is forwarded only to NAWA, the same questions may appear in the substantive report as in the survey.


Annexes in Polish

  1. Formularz rozliczenia finansowego wyjazdu – wersja polska
  2. rachunek_kosztow_skierowania_za_granice_do_wniosku_ws_1
  3. Certyfikat i opis efektów uczenia się
  4. To receive the survey link and token, the participant who completed the trip sends an email to prom@us.edu.pl informing about the end of the trip and asking for the token and link.
  5. The substantive report after returning – link.

Annexes in English

  1. Visit settlement form – English
  2. rachunek_kosztow_skierowania_za_granice_do_wniosku_ws_1 – only in Polish
  3. Certificate and description of the learning outcomes
  4. To receive the survey link and token, the participant who completed the trip sends an email to prom@us.edu.pl informing about the end of the trip and asking for the token and link.
  5. The substantive report after returning – link.



 Logotypy Funduszy Europejskich PO WER, NAWA i Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego oraz flaga Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej

The Programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project: “International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff”, implemented under the Measure specified in the application for co-financing of the project no POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13/18.

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