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University of Silesia in Katowice

Logo European City of Science 2024

Scientific Premiere Stage

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Scientific Premiere Stage | How to Talk to James Bond

When watching the adventures of James Bond, we focus on the main character; however, every mission is supervised by Bond’s superior. Anna Majer, PhD, together with Piotr Mamet, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor have written the book The Discourse of M. devoted to the analysis of the management style by M – Agent 007 superior. The...


SPN with Prof. Andrzej Woźnica | Clear water around us?

The topic of the 12th edition of the Scientific Premiere Stage: Science Talk Show will be water. Together with our guest, Prof. Andrzej Woźnica from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, we will discuss the condition of Polish rivers, lakes, and other reservoirs. We will also talk about a certain ambitious research expedition. Water is the...


SPN: Prof. Marian Kisiel | Intertwined fates of poets

What do seemingly unrelated Polish, Russian, and Jewish poets have in common? During the 11th edition of the Scientific Premiere Stage: Science Talk Show, we will talk with Prof. Marian Kisiel about how different languages and experiences of the characters of his newest book intertwined into a certain whole. Emil Zegadłowicz, Jerzy Liebert, Anna Achmatowa,...


SPN: Milena Dutkowska | To be a hero… just for one day

“We can be heroes… just for one day” sang David Bowie in one of his greatest hits “Heroes.” Is it as simple as in these legendary words? What if the loss and fear want to take our biggest dreams? During the 10th edition of the Scientific Premiere Stage: Science Talk Show, we will think about...


SPN: Prof. Katarzyna Krasoń | What master Yoda teaches us

Can big Hollywood productions teach and inspire us? Which elements present in films may be useful in educating future teachers, tutors, or therapists? How does the path from the rank of padawan to master look like? The 9th Scientific Premiere Stage: Science Talk Show will host the Jedi master, Prof. Katarzyna Krasoń from the Faculty...


SPN: Dr Marcin Moroń | One year with COVID-19, or how not to go crazy?

The 6th edition of the Scientific Premiere Stage: Science Talk Show will be an opportunity to think about our condition after one year of living in the world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. How do we cope with this extraordinary yet challenging time? How do the media and psychological support practitioners influence us? These and...

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