Register and send all documents to IRK (Online Application System)
Registration in the online system takes place from June 10th to June 21st.
The IRK system is not perfect, but it will allow you to provide us with all of your documents and information related to you. Upload scans of all the documents you prepared to IRK. Make sure you can scan them in good quality as PDF files.
Link to IRK
Note – the IRK system for candidates for the Doctoral School will be working properly from June 10th.
Registration is divided into 4 groups. Choose the one that suits your interest:
- natural sciences and engineering and technology,
- social sciences,
- humanities, theology and the arts,
- registration for grant projects – if you participate in a separate contest for a grant-funded place or for “the Implementation Doctorate” program.
During the registration process, we will ask you about the discipline in which you want to educate and your ORCID number (if you do not have one yet, please register immediately at ORCID ( We will also ask you to tell us which language you choose for your interview with us (Polish or English) and whether you choose the online form or you prefer to come to Katowice (if it will be possible).
At registration, you will also be requested to pay a recruitment fee, which amounts to PLN 400 (i.e., about USD US 99,78 or EUR 93). We are working on improving the fee system. However, we currently accept only transfers to the Polish bank account of our university. Please check whether it is possible to make such a transfer from the country you are staying in.
If you have special educational needs, remember that you can ask us to plan appropriate support. Contact Agnieszka Filipowska who is our Plenipotentiary for accessibility. Office contact: