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Zooming in on animals – Cat meets Poet. On the Method of ‘Animal Reading,’ Exemplified on Georg Büchner’s Lenz (online)

10.03.2021 - 12:48, aktualizacja 10.03.2021 - 12:48
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Tagi: wykład online, zooming in on amimals


Institute of Literary Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice

Cat meets Poet. On the Method of ‘Animal Reading,’ Exemplified on Georg Büchner’s Lenz


Meeting ID: 942 7624 8794
Passcode: 162310

When: 12 March (Friday) 4 PM (Warsaw time)

About the speaker:

Prof. Dr. Roland Borgards is Professor für Neuere deutsche Literatur vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart at the Institute of German Literature and Its Didactic, Universität Frankfurt. He has published extensively on cultural and literary animal studies.

plakat promujący wydarzenie

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Cat meets Poet. On the Method of ‘Animal Reading’, Exemplified on Georg Büchner’s Lenz


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