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University of Silesia in Katowice

Doctoral School
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PROM – announcement about the recruitment of arrivals of Doctoral Students and Academic Staff at the University of Silesia in Katowice

The Doctoral School of the University of Silesia in Katowice informs you of the opening of the recruitment for short-term visits for all Ph.D. Students and Academic Staff who wish to come to the University of Silesia in Katowice as part of the PROM program.

Authorized participants:

  • Ph.D. Students
  • representatives of the Academic Staff

coming from universities, scientific and research as well as other academic units from all countries from which mobility to Poland is possible and which can potentially cooperate with the University of Silesia.

The following types of mobility are allowed under the Project:
1. Active participation in a foreign conference (including participation in a Poster Session and Flash talk).
2. Acquiring materials for a doctoral dissertation / scientific articles.
3. Participation in a summer/winter school (both as a student and lecturer). The subject of the school’s program must be closely related to the subject of the doctoral dissertation or research.
4. Performing archive/library queries.
5. Conducting classes.
6. Participation in the preparation of the International Grant Application.
7. Other short forms of education enable increasing the competencies of the Project participant.

Purpose of trip: the University of Silesia in Katowice, all Units.
Duration of trip: from 5 to 30 days (including a maximum of 2 days of travel).
Project duration: all trips must be completed by 31 December 2022.

Mobility will cover the following costs:

1. Flat rates for financial support for costs of travel, health insurance, OC, NNW, costs of visa fees, or fees connected to the legalization of stay, depending on the distance

2. Flat rates of financial support for costs of subsistence, depending on the country and length of stay (from PLN 260 to PLN 800 per day),

3. Costs of conference/training/course fees.

Financing is paid out in the form of a Scholarship.

Recruitment Dates: admission is conducted on a continuous basis from April 26, 2022, until it is suspended (in full or in one of the categories)

Recruitment modes

  1. PhD candidates up to 40 years of age – 18 places. Application form:https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/2810
  2. Representatives of the academic staff up to 40 years of age – 8 places. Application form: https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/3143
  3. Representatives of the academic staff (without age distinctions) – 10 places. Application form: https://formularze.us.edu.pl/form/index/3143

Assessment of applications

Applications are subject to formal and substantive assessment in the project office, performed by an expert appointed by the project manager.

Assessment criteria
Category number of points
The scientific level of research or activity in the field of art or evaluation of the merits of planned learning or implementation activities 0-40
The purposefulness of the project from the perspective of the implementation of tasks included in the University’s strategy 0-30
The likelihood of achieving the planned goals 0-30

Detailed information about the PROM project: prom@us.edu.pl

Doctoral school at the University of Silesia in Katowice

Bankowa 14, room 406-406B

Tel. 32 359 2472 – 2473

e-mail: prom@us.edu.pl

Project coordinator: dr Ryszard Knapek (ryszard.knapek@us.edu.pl)

Project service: mgr Diana Pasek (diana.pasek@us.edu.pl)

Attachments (in Polish):

PROM Regulamin rekrutacji i uczestnictwa w projekcie 2022_przyjazdy

załącznik nr 1 do regulaminu – umowa beneficjenta z uczestnikiem

załącznik nr 2 do regulaminu – formularz zgłoszeniowy uczestnika projektu

załącznik nr 3 do regulaminu – stawki ryczałtowe

Logotypy Funduszy Europejskich PO WER, NAWA i Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego oraz flaga Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej

The Programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, non-competition project: “International scholarship exchange of doctoral students and academic staff”, implemented under the Measure specified in the application for co-financing of the project no POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13/18.

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