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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Utilising nature’s potential | Research by Prof. Agnieszka Kompała-Bąba

What is the article about?What is the article about? Despite their neglected appearance, wastelands, roadsides, post-industrial areas, and post-mining waste heaps fulfil key ecological functions, including stabilising the ground and preventing erosion. Taking advantage of the natural processes of plant succession in these areas can contribute to improving the quality of life of residents by...

Categories: articlesscience and art

Patent for Rapeseed Protection | Works by USil Researchers

Researchers at the USil Institute of Biology, Biotechnology and Environmental Protection have developed two solutions to protect rapeseed crops from certain pathogens in a natural way. If affected by various fungi, yields of this popular-in-Poland cultivated plan can be decreased by a significant percentage each year. The patented solutions are based on the use of...

Categories: articlesUniversity of Silesia Magazinepatents
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No Limits | We are all equal

What is the article about?What is the article about? People with disabilities form a diverse group, some of whom experience intellectual disabilities. Nowadays, there is more and more talk about social inclusion. The world, including Poland, is becoming more open to people with disabilities and including them. Contact Dorota Prysak, PhD from the Institute of...

Categories: articlesscience and art
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