Patents and protection rights
The employees, students and young scientists associated with the University of Silesia contribute to the development of modern and competitive economy through their knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurship. They are authors and co-authors of over 600 items of industrial property in the form of inventions, utility models, industrial designs and trademarks. Due to them, for many years, the University of Silesia has been at the forefront of non-technical universities in Poland in terms of the number of patent applications and industrial property rights granted, mainly patents for inventions.
Office of Patent Attorneys
The patent attorney has supported the inventive activity of the employees, students and young scientists associated with the University of Silesia since the establishment of the University. Throughout this period, the patent attorney has cared for the proper protection of industrial property of the University of Silesia. The attorney’s tasks include e.g. qualifying industrial property items for protection, preparing full application documentation for the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland in order to obtain protection (e.g. patent for an invention) and maintaining protection in force.
Patent applications
The first step in the procedure related to obtaining legal protection for a given item of industrial property is to contact the Office of Patent Attorneys of the University of Silesia. The patent attorney prepares an application to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland in close cooperation with a researcher.
» contact with the Office of Patent Attorneys
» information on the application procedure (PL)
Do you know that…?
SPIN-US Sp. z o.o., a special purpose vehicle, acts dynamically at the University of Silesia. It is involved in strengthening the activities related to the commercialization of R&D results from science to industry and in enabling scientists to establish their own companies based on the know-how.
Related content:
- the latest report of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland with a commentary: ”Patents | University of Silesia 1st among the classical universities”