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Wydział Prawa i Administracji
Logo Europejskie Miasto Nauki Katowice 2024


(English) Barański Michał (English) Barański Michał
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Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Assistant professor and member of the Labour, Employment and Social Security Law Research Team at the Institute of Legal Sciences at the University of Silesia in Katowice editor-in-chief of the academic journal „Z Problematyki Prawa Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej” („Labour Law and Social Politics Issues”).
Scope of the research: labour law and social insurance law, intellectual property law and contract law
Scope of teaching activities: labour law


Top 5 publications: 

  1. Alcidi, C. Astarita, H. Crichton-Miller, T. Kiss-Gálfalvi, A. Ounnas, L. Westhoff, L. Lechardoy, G. Stazi, M. Barański, I. Florczak, A. Kopp, E. Pachała-Szymczyk, L. Ratti, Study exploring the context, challenges and possible solutions in relation to the quality of traineeships in the EU, Luxemburg 2024
  2. Barański: Reżim prawny umowy o praktykę absolwencką, „Kwartalnik Prawa Prywatnego” 2018, vol. 2, pp. 527-54
  3. M. Barański: Informacja w ujęciu prawnym przez pryzmat zagadnień terminologicznych, Katowice 201
  4. Barański, Initial remarks on artificial intelligence and axiological foundations of labour law, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej 2022, vol. 2, pp. 85-93
  5. M. Barański, Ochrona danych osobowych pracownika w orzecznictwie Trybunału Konstytucyjnego oraz Trybunału Sprawiedliwości, „Państwo i Prawo” 2022, vol 1, pp. 46-6
(English) Blicharz Rafał (English) Blicharz Rafał
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Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Former leader of the team, present member
Scope of the research:
public business law, mediation in business cases
Scope of teaching activities: public business law, mediation in business cases


Top 5 publications: 

  1. Informacja jako podstawa egzystencji i rozwoju, Kontrola Państwowa nr 2, 2022 r., s. 88 – 113
  2. Frontiers of law. The power of information, współautor Li Dan, (Northeastern University in Shenyang, China), European Journal of Accounting, Finance & Business, vol. XVII/2021, October 2021, ISSN 2344-102X, ISSN-L 2344-102X, ss. 14
  3. Sztuczna inteligencja w mediacji w sprawach cywilnych i gospodarczych, PUG nr 3, s. 2 -9, Warszawa 2024 r., (ISSN: 0137-5490), DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2024.3.
  4. Mediation On Matters Arising From Labour Relations. The Chinese and European Perspective, współautor prof. Dong Yan (Beijing Foreign Studies University), European Journal of Accounting, Finance & Business, 2020, vol. XIV/2020, October 2020, ISSN 2344-102X, ISSN-L 2344-102X
  5. Zarząd sukcesyjny przedsiębiorstwem w spadku, Warszawa 2019 r., wyd. Dyfin
(English) Bek Dominika (English) Bek Dominika
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Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Assistant Professor
Scope of the research: substantive criminal (penal) law, criminology, restorative justice, victim-offender mediation, domestic violence, women’s rights, cultural offences, cultural defence, professional liability
Scope of teaching activities: substantive criminal (penal) law, victim-offender mediation, criminal (penal) law protection of public institutions



Top 5 publications: 

  1. D. Bek, The mediation settlement as a directive of the level of sanction [in:] T. Dukiet-Nagórska (ed.), The postulates of restorative justice and the continental model of criminal law: as illustrated by Polish criminal law, Peter Lang 2015
  2. D. Bek, Obrona przez kulturę: analiza na gruncie polskiego prawa karnego, C.H. Beck 2018
  3. O. Sitarz, D. Bek, A. Jaworska-Wieloch, The multiformity of domestic violence and the problem of the admissibility of mediation, Scholars’ Press 2019
  4. D. Bek, Cultural determinants of the victimization of women in the Roma community [in:] M. Półtorak, I. Topa (ed.), Women, children and (other) vulnerable groups : standards of protection and challenges for international law, Peter Lang 2021
  5. D. Bek, J. Hanc, On the Insufficiencies of the Current Legislative Regime Regarding Physician-Patient Mediation in the Professional Liability of Physicians. A Critical Analysis of the Polish Solution, Medicine Law & Society 1(16)/2023, p. 25-54
(English) Dolnicki Bogdan (English) Dolnicki Bogdan
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Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Team leader
Scope of the research: Administrative law, local government law
Scope of teaching activities:Administrative law, local government law, public administration, control and supervision in administration


Top 5 publications: 

  1. B. Dolnicki, Local Government, 9th Ed., Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2024.
  2. The Concept of Metropolitan Unions in Poland, Samorząd Terytorialny no. 3/2024.
  3. B. Dolnicki (ed.), Regional Government. Commentary, Wolters Kluwer Warsaw 2023.
  4. B. Dolnicki, M. Augustyniak, R. Marchaj, The Legal Status of the Metropolitan Union in Poland and the Metropolis in France: A Comparative Legal Study, Wolters Kluwer Warsaw 2023.
  5. The Impact of the Constitutional Principle of Subsidiarity on the Shape and Functioning of Local Government, Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, no. 3, 2023.
(English) Drapalska-Grochowicz Marlena (English) Drapalska-Grochowicz Marlena

(English) Marlena Drapalska-Grochowicz (PhD), an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia. In September 2022 r. she defended PhD thesis “Reconstruction of ≤closeness≥ category in Polish legal system”.She conducts a research project financed by the National Science Centre on „Reconstruction of the closeness category in the Polish legal system”. As part of the project, she examines a relational approach in law, particularly the meaning, and importance of close interpersonal relationships in law from philosophical and psychological perspectives. Interests: legal interpretation, legal psychology, Law&Emotions approach, vulnerability group’s status, the ethic of care.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8602-2918


(English) Gredka-Ligarska Iwona (English) Gredka-Ligarska Iwona

(English) Iwona Gredka-Ligarska: barrister, PhD in jurisprudence, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Laureate of the OPUS-21 competition organized by the Polish National Science Center. Member of the Labour Law and Social Policy Research Team. Chairwoman of the Programme Board of the National Institute for Museums and Public Collections in 2016–2022. Member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Specialist in labour law, civil law and cultural heritage protection law. Author of numerous scientific publications and a participant in national and international scientific conferences. Member of the expert group acting on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.


(English) Gregorczyk Dawid (English) Gregorczyk Dawid



Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: individual research activity in Institute of Legal Sciences
Scope of the research: administrative law, administrative procedure, administrative courts, legal interpretation, judicial review of administrative action
Scope of teaching activities: administrative law, administrative procedure, administrative court proceedings


Top 4 publications: 

  1. Legalność jako kryterium sądowej kontroli decyzji administracyjnych, Wolters Kluwer 2024 (monograph)
  2. System Prawa Sądownictwa Administracyjnego, Vol. 1 & 2, eds. G. Łaszczyca, W. Piątek, Wolters Kluwer 2023 i 2024 (co-author)
  3. Systemu Prawa Administracyjnego Procesowego, Vol. 2.3, 2.4 & 4,  eds. G. Łaszczyca, A. Matan, Wolters Kluwer 2021 (co-author)
  4. O rozstrzyganiu wątpliwości prawnych na korzyść strony w postępowaniu administracyjnym, Państwo i Prawo 2019, Vol. 8 (article)
(English) Gronkiewicz Anna (English) Gronkiewicz Anna



Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Staff member
Scope of the research: Administrative law, administrative procedure, non-governmental organizations, accessibility law, linguistic rights
Scope of teaching activities: Administrative law, administrative procedure, administrative court proceedings, accessibility law, control of public administration



Top 5 publications: 

  1. A. Gronkiewicz, Fundacja jako organizacja społeczna w ogólnym postępowaniu administracyjnym, Roczniki Administracji i Prawa 2005, vol. 6
  2. A. Gronkiewicz, Organizacja społeczna w ogólnym postępowaniu administracyjnym, Warszawa 2012
  3. Gronkiewicz, A. Ziółkowska (eds.), Nowe instytucje procesowe w postępowaniu administracyjnym w świetle nowelizacji Kodeksu postepowania administracyjnego z dnia 7 kwietania 2017 roku, Katowice 2017
  4. A. Gronkiewicz, Agencja/Centrum Komunikacji – kaprys czy konieczność w demokratycznym państwie prawa?, AUMCS 2022, vol. 69, no 1
  5. A. Gronkiewicz, A. Ziółkowska, Intensification of digitalization of public administration and the digital divide, Studia Iuridica 2023, vol. 101
(English) Grzybczyk Katarzyna (English) Grzybczyk Katarzyna



Scope of the research: intellectual property law, advertising law, intellectual property law and society
Scope of teaching activities:Intellectual property law, advertising law, civil law, law in the entertainment industry


Top 5 publications: 

  1. Icons of pop culture and intellectual property law. How famous and famous people protect their rights, Warsaw 2018,
  2. Entertainment of the 21st century and intellectual property law, Warsaw 2020
  3. Stolen culture. How the West uses other people’s intellectual property, Warsaw 2021
  4. Famous alcohols and intellectual property law, Warsaw 2022
  5. Asian soft power and intellectual property law, Warsaw 2024
(English) Gwóźdź Tomasz (English) Gwóźdź Tomasz

(English) Tomasz Gwóźdź – assistant, Financial Law Research Team, specializing in financial law and tax law, author of research publications in financial law, tax law, and constitutional law. Member of the Local Government Appeal College in Katowice. Contact email:,–0002-1769–1210.


(English) Habdas Magdalena (English) Habdas Magdalena
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MAGDALENA HABDAS, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor

Scope of the research: Private law: property and real estate law, family law, succession law, obligations: the notion of compensation and damage; housing law
Scope of teaching activities: Property law, expropriation, family law, succession law, landlord and tenant law


Top 5 publications: 

  1. Compensating Landowners in the Vicinity of Airports. A Comparative Study of the Neighbour Conflict, Routledge: London-New York 2024, pp. 352
  2. Reforming ownership: from private, through communal, to public property [in:] Property law reform, sustainability and the commons, (eds) V. Sagaert, D. Gruyaert, M.L. Degroote, K. De Schepper, V. Janssen, F. Vavourakis, Larcier – Intersentia: Cambridge – Antwerp – Chicago 2024, pp. 3-22
  3. Family and Succession Law in Poland (coauthor: Prof. dr hab. S. Kalus), Wolters Kluwer: Alphen aan den Rijn, NL 2021 (wyd. 4), pp. 272
  4. Property and Trust Law in Poland, Wolters Kluwer: Alphen aan den Rijn, NL 2018, pp.302
  5. The evolution of joint parenting in Poland – the legal perspective on lessons learned and still to be learned, International Journal of Law, Policy, and the Family 2019, nr 3 (33), s. 337-359 /SCOPUS/
(English) Hołda-Wydrzyńska Anna (English) Hołda-Wydrzyńska Anna

(English) Ph.D of legal science, the assistant professor in the Institute of Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia in Katowice and postgraduate Copyright Studies at the Intellectual Property Law Institute in Kraków.

She is an author of articles concerning especially industrial property law and business activity law published in scientific and professional journals and books.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0079-1685; e-mail


(English) Iwan-Sojka Dominika (English) Iwan-Sojka Dominika
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Teaching Assistant.

Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Research Group on International Law and Human Rights
Scope of the research: machine learning and international law, international humanitarian law, weapons law, arms control, dual-use export, human rights
Scope of teaching activities: Public International Law, European Union Law, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Sustainable Development Goals, Moot Courts


Top 5 publications: 

  1. D. Iwan-Sojka, The inclusive data governance models for algorithms – a dream of the already convinced or a realistic way of action?, [2024] Information & Communications Technology Law, pp. 1-14,
  2. D. Iwan-Sojka, Responsibility of the war industry for lethal autonomous weapons systems, 2024 Publishing House of the University of Silesia, Open Access:
  3. D. Iwan, ‘The Use of Artificial Intelligence in armed conflicts – implications for state responsibility’ in Regulating Artificial Intelligence in Industry (ed. DM. Bielicki), Routledge 2022
  4. D. Iwan, Is Transparency Excluded Where Autonomous Weapons Systems Are Concerned?, [2021] 17 Democracy and Security 3, pp. 1-25. DOI 10.1080/17419166.2021.2016403
  5. D. Iwan-Sojka, Tracking international humanitarian law violations through arms export in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, [2024] Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Iuridica
(English) Jagielski Mariusz (English) Jagielski Mariusz

(English) Mariusz Jagielski – PhD in law, professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice (USK). Since 1994 employed at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the USK. In 2011–2016, vice-dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the USK. From 2018, the plenipotentiary of the USK Rector for the protection of personal data. He cooperates with the USK Ethics Committee for research involving humans, the USK Data Protection Officer and the USK Doctoral School. He deals with constitutional law, fundamental rights and personal data protection. Author of numerous scientific studies in the indicated fields. From 2020, a contractor in the EU research project H2020 Multi-Agent Systems for Pervasive Artificial Intelligence for Assisting Humans in Modular Production Environments (MAS4AI). From 2023, the leader of the research team Constitutional rights in the digital world.


(English) Jagielska Monika (English) Jagielska Monika

(English) Monika Jagielska – Professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice. A former member of the working groups of the Codification Commission on Civil Law at the Polish Ministry of Justice. The author of several books and numerous articles on EU private law, sales law, consumer protection, product liability and international family law. Expert and reviewer in numerous EU and international projects (among others Study on all mandatory rules applicable to contractual obligations in contracts for sales of tangible goods sold at a distance and, in particular online; JUST/2015/RCON/PR/CO02/0112; Study to support the fitness check of EU Consumer Law; JUST/2013/EVAL/BC/0159/A4; Progress in Collective Redress Mechanisms in Environmental and Consumer Mass Harm Situations; JUST-JCOO-AG-2017 Cross-border litigation in Central-Europe: EU private international law before national court, H2020 MAS4AI Expert and reviewer in several European Commission calls and in the Polish National Science Centre. Deputy Dean for Development and Cooperation.


(English) Kania Michał (English) Kania Michał
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MICHAŁ KANIA, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor

Professor of the University of Silesia, Senior Researcher at the University of Copenhagen.

Role in the Research Centre, Research Team:Michał is conducting Individual Research Activity on Comparative Public Procurement Law
Scope of the research: Public procurement law, Public – Private Partnership, Public contracts
Scope of teaching activities: Public procurement law, Public-Private Partnerships


Top 5 publications: 

  1. M. Kania, M. Andhov, Restricting freedom of contract – the EU foreign subsidies regulation and its consequences for public procurement, Journal of Public Procurement, ISSN 1535-0118, 2022
  2. M. Kania, PPP challenges and opportunities from the perspective of the EU’s „Twin Transition”, Kwartalnik Prawo Zamówień Publicznych, ISSN 1733-077, 2022
  3. M. Kania, The influence of enterprises on the debt of the public finance sector, on the basis of Public and Private Partnerships: an analysis of Polish legal solutions, European Procurement and Public Private Partnership Law Review, ISSN 2194-7376, [2194-7384], 2012
  4. M. Kania, Ch. Yukins, Suspension and debarment in the U.S. government: comparative lessons for EU’s next steps in procurement, Upphandlingsrättslig Tidskrift, Procurement Law Journal, ISSN 2001-9904, 2019
  5. M. Kania, M. Andhov, A few introductory remarks on the Danish public procurement market, Kwartalnik Prawo Zamówień Publicznych, ISSN 1733-0777, 2023
(English) Lichosik-Ślusarczyk Anna (English) Lichosik-Ślusarczyk Anna



Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Team member
Scope of the research: Capital market law, public economic law
Scope of teaching activities: Capital market law, public economic law


Top 5 publications:

  1. A. Lichosik, DORA as a legal instrument for protecting the digital security of the financial market,Studia Prawnoustrojowe 62, PL ISSN 1644-0412 (print) PL ISSN 2720-7056 (online), Olsztyn 2023, s. 367 – 377.
  2. A. Lichosik, Indirect purchase of shares of an investment fund company, Katowice 2022, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, ISBN 978-83-226-4197-2, s. 1-284.
  3. A. Lichosik, Capital market. Economics and law, „Prace naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu”, nr 509, Wrocław 2018, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, ISSN 1899-3192, s. 245-256
  4. A. Lichosik, The principle of administrative supervision over the capital market (in:) Principles in administrative law. Theory, practice, jurisprudence, Z. Duniewska, M. Stahl, A. Krakała (red.), Warszawa 2018, Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer, ISBN 978-83-8107-768-2, ISSN 1897-4392, s. 605-617.
  5. 5. A. Lichosik, Confidential information in a public company, Katowice 2016, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, ISBN 978-83-8012-912-2, ISSN 0208-6336, s. 1-264.
(English) Mauro Arturo Rivera León (English) Mauro Arturo Rivera León
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Assistant Professor. Dr Rivera has taught courses in Polish, English, and Spanish.

Role in the Research Centre, Research Team:Principal Investigator in the Research Project 2023/51/B/HS5/01018, “Constitutional Zugzwang: Towards an Amendment Theory on Constitutional Momentum.”
Scope of the research: constitutional courts and the impact their design and procedural regulations may have on democratic societies, analyzing the empirical impact that hyper-constitutional amendment dynamics may have on economic, political and societal development.
Scope of teaching activities: Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy and Judicial Review, Spanish and Latin-American Law, Latin-American Constitutionalism


Top 5 publications: 

  1. (Monograph): Rivera, M.A., Supermajorities in Constitutional Courts, Routledge, 2024, pp. 256. DOI:
  2. (Article): Rivera, M.A.,  „Voting Protocols as Informal Judicial Institutions: The politics of enforceability and strategic breaching,” International & Comparative Law Quarterly, Cambridge University Press, vol. 73, no. 3, 2024, pp. 747-766. DOI:
  3. (Article): Rivera, M.A., „Control and paralysis? A context-sensitive analysis of objections to supermajorities in constitutional adjudication,” International Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 22, no. 1, Oxford University Press, 2024, pp. 134-160. DOI:
  4. (Article): Rivera, M.A., „Judicial review of supermajority rules governing courts’ own decision-making: A comparative analysis,” Global Constitutionalism, vol. 13, no. 1, 2024, Cambridge University Press, pp. 79-113. DOI:
  5. (Article): Rivera, M.A., “Analyzing Constitutional Courts as Centralizers and the Impact of Supermajority Rules: A Dataset on the Federalism Conflicts on the Unconstitutionality of Laws in Mexico,” Data in Brief, Elsevier, 2024, DOI:
(English) Maryniak Łukasz (English) Maryniak Łukasz

(English) PdD Assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. His research interests focus on infringements of author’s economic rights, the law of the Internet, and protection of folklore and intangible cultural heritage. ORCID: 0000-0003-0198-9036


(English) Mikołajczyk Barbara (English) Mikołajczyk Barbara

(English) professor, specialises in international public law and human rights. She was involved in the COST action on ageism (IS1402). In 2019, she joined the European Network on Law and Ageing Group (ELAN). She is also a member of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights Group of Experts on Older Persons. Moreover, she is a member of the Odysseus Academic Network for Studies on Immigration Asylum in Europe. She was appointed the ad hoc judge in the European Court of Human Rights (2012 -2014).
She has authored books and articles on the human rights of various vulnerable persons, such as migrant workers, asylum seekers, children, women (gender pay gap issues), ethnic minorities, sexual minorities and older persons. Her main field of research has focused on elder law and the human rights of older adults for the last ten years. Since 2019 she has been conducting the project “Social and digital inclusion of older persons as a special task for non-governmental organisations. The perspective of international human rights law” financed by the Polish National Science Centre.

ORCID 0000-0003-1584-2596


(English) Nowakowska-Małusecka Joanna (English) Nowakowska-Małusecka Joanna

(English) Professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, and a Lecturer at the Polish School of International Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts in Radziejowice since 2003. Her academic interests concentrate primarily on international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and human rights – with a particular focus on the situation of the most vulnerable groups. She is an author of monographs and numerous scientific articles on those topics.

She is a member of the Research Team on International Law and Human Rights and an investigator in the research project on Gender and International Crimes. The International Criminal Law Perspective at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Silesia.

Since 2022 she is a member of the Expert Council at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Silesia.

In 2014-2018 she was a contractor in the EU research project Gender Pay Gap (GPG) – Close the Deal, Fill the Gap (JUST/2013/PROG/AG/4890/GE).

In 2021 she participated in the expert evaluation for applications and in the review process of candidates in The Polish Fulbright Program for 2021-2022 academic cycle.
Since 2013 she is a member of the Board of the Polish Branch of the International Law Association (ILA), in the term of 2017-2023 she was the Vice-President and the Director of Studies and for the term of 2023-2027 she is the Communications Officer. She is a member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, and a member of the Commission for the Dissemination of International Humanitarian Law at the Polish Red Cross.


(English) Pinior Piotr (English) Pinior Piotr
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Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Research Team for Economic and Commercial Law
Scope of the research: Commercial Law, in particular Company Law, European Company Law
Scope of teaching activities: Commercial Law, Company Law, European Company Law


Top 5 publications: 

  1. P. Pinior, J. A. Strzępka (ed.), Kodeks spółek handlowych. Komentarz, C.H. Beck, Warszawa, 2024.
  2. P. Pinior, Non-existence resolution of shareholders’ meeting in Polish case law (in:) Korporační spory, L. Žitňanská, B. Havel, K. Csach a kol., Wolters Kluwer, Praha, 2023.
  3. P. Pinior, New Provisions on Supervisory Board under Polish Commercial Companies Code, Právny Obzor, Vol. 105/2022 Special Issue, Institute of State and Law SAS.
  4. P. Pinior, Duty of loyalty and due care of the board member under Polish law, Review of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 51, No. 4 (2022).
  5. P. Pinior, Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Company Law. Shareholders’ Meetings and Resolutions, European Company and Financial Law Review, Vol. 19, 2022/1
(English) Piwowarczyk Agnieszka (English) Piwowarczyk Agnieszka

(English) (PhD) Assistant Professor  at the Faculty of Law and Administration University of Silesia in Katowice.

She specializes in public procurement law and issues related to the implementation of structural funds. She has many years of experience in awarding public contracts. Author of several dozen scientific publications in the field of public procurement law. Manager and contractor of international research grants financed by the Polish-German Foundation for Science.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4490-4330


(English) Radecka Ewa (English) Radecka Ewa
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EWA RADECKA, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor

Role in the Research Centre, Research Team:member of the mining and environmental law team
Scope of the research: Environmental protection law, in particular, nature protection law, climate law, air protection law, and geological and mining law
Scope of teaching activities: Environmental protection law, Nature protection law, Climate law, Air protection law, Geological and mining law, Land use planning law


Top 5 publications: 

  1. Poland’s Climate Policy – Selected Legal Aspects, Bratislava Law Review, ISSN 2585-7088, e-ISSN 2644-6359, 1(8)/2024, s. 181-194
  2. Legal Consequences of the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-432/21, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica, ISSN 0323-0619, e-ISSN 2336-6478, 1 (70)/2024, s. 147-158
  3. Is the Right to Live in an Environment with Clean Air a Personal Interest? Selected Issues, Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica, ISSN 0323-0619, e-ISSN 2336-6478, 1(68)/2022, s.107-144
  4. A legal model of air protection in Poland – selected issues, Bratislava Law Review, ISSN 2585-7088, e-ISSN 2644-6359, 1/2021, s. 159-166
  5. Rezerwat jako prawna forma ochrony przyrody, TNOiK 2019, ss. 404
(English) Rodak Lidia (English) Rodak Lidia

(English) Lidia Rodak (PhD) is the coordinator of the Legal Anthropology Research Group at the Institute of Legal Sciences, University of Silesia, Katowice.

She holds LLM, from European Academy of Legal Theory, (Brussels), joint Ph.D. from the University of Ghent, Law Faculty, Department of Jurisprudence and Comparative Law, and Department of Law, University of Silesia in Katowice and Italian habilitation for associate professor in philosophy of law (2021). (BANDO D.D. 553/2021).
From 2020 she is the Principal Investigator of the research project awarded by the National Center Science (Poland), NCN, UMO-2019/33/B/HS5/02863, on the topic: Women’s Socio- Legal Justice. An Analysis of Women’s Circles.

Her academic research lies at the intersection of law, sociology and anthropology. Her recent works focus on the relation between objectivity and subjectivity, in particular from the perspective of feminist jurisprudence. She is the author of the book “Judicial Objectivity. Limits, Merits and Beyond” by Peter Lang (2020) and number of articles in academic journals such as: Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Studi sulla Questione Criminale, Hague Journal of the Rule of Law.


(English) Rybak-Karkosz Olivia (English) Rybak-Karkosz Olivia



Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Member of Forensic Science Research Team, member of Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Badawcze Nauk Sądowych i Legislacji im. prof. Tadeusza Widły, individual research activity
Scope of the research: Forensic Science, handwriting analysis, painter’s signature analysis, print authenticity examination, forensic aspects of art crime, forensic science in movies and tv series
Scope of teaching activities: Logic, forensic aspects of art crime, forensic science in movies and tv series, Forensics’ tactic


Top 5 publications: 

  1. O. Rybak-Karkosz, Forgery of artists’ signatures on paintings or print from the perspective of Polish law, Studia Prawnicze KUL, 2023, nr 1, s.113-127. DOI:10.31743/sp.13509
  2. O. Rybak-Karkosz, Authenticity verification of a print – forensic aspects, 2020 Toruń, TNOiK „Dom Organizatora”, 320 s., ISBN 978-83-7285-917-4
  3. O. Rybak-Karkosz, Cybercrime at the crypto-art market – types of crimes committed against NFT’s creators and owners, Przegląd Policyjny, 2023, vol. 151, nr 3, s.5-15. DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0053.9747
  4. O. Rybak-Karkosz, NFTs in museums – challenges and persuasion in the eye of an article 2 of Act on Museums, Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2023, nr 1, s.19-36. DOI:10.4467/2450050XSNR.23.003.18115
  5. O. Rybak-Karkosz, Creation and sale of NFTS as an opportunity and challenge for contemporary museums, Muzealnictwo, 2023, nr 64, s.68-73. DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0053.7143
(English) Suska Marek (English) Suska Marek

(English) PhD, lawyer who specializes in the field of theory and philosophy of law. He holds a doctoral degree in law and a master’s degree in political science, and his interests lie in legal interpretation, lawmaking, and the interconnections of law and politics. He conducts research on a variety of topics, including communication between drafters and interpreters of legal texts, legislative errors, in dubio rules, and symbolic law. He has also completed a traineeship in the legislative bureaus of both the Sejm and the Senat of the Republic of Poland, gaining valuable practical experience.

He currently holds the position of Principal Investigator in a research project titled „Symbolic law. Creation and application perspective”, which is being financed by the National Science Centre of Poland. Additionally, he is a co-investigator in another research project, also financed by the same institution, named „Time trouble or the temporal dimension of legal interpretation”.
Institute of Law


(English) Szczygieł Tomasz (English) Szczygieł Tomasz

(English) PhD Assistant Professor (adjunct) at the Faculty of Law and Administration. He graduated in law from the Silesia University in 2009. In 2010 he graduated general apprenticeship provided by The National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution. In 2014 he completed attorney apprenticeship and passed attorney exam. He defended his doctoral thesis in 2015 which was published under the title „Military criminal procedure in the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939)”. A member of the Polish Society for Legal History. His scientific interests include the history of court law, especially criminal law and criminal procedure.


(English) Wierzbica Anna (English) Wierzbica Anna


ANNA WIERZBICA, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor

Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Member of team
Scope of the research: Local government law – systemic issues
Scope of teaching activities: Local government law, Local government anti-corruption law, Legal position of a councilor of a local government unit


Top 5 publications: 

  1. „Mandat radnego. Prawa, obowiązki, ograniczenia”, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2023, s. 354
  2. Wygaśnięcie mandatu radnego”, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2022, s. 386
  3. „Ustawa o ograniczeniu prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej przez osoby pełniące funkcje publiczne. Komentarz” H. Beck, Warszawa 2017 r., s. 265
  4. „Referendum i wybory oraz zarządzenia i uchwały jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Władcze, administracyjnoprawne formy wyrażania woli przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego”, Wydawnictwo LexisNexis, Warszawa 2014 r., s. 435
  5. „Przepisy antykorupcyjne w administracji publicznej”, LexisNexis, 2010, s. 363
(English) Ziółkowska Agnieszka (English) Ziółkowska Agnieszka
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AGNIESZKA ZIÓŁKOWSKA, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor

Role in the Research Centre, Research Team: Member of the Research Team of the Institution of Administrative and Administrative Court Procedure
Scope of the research: Administrative proceedings, administrative court proceedings, administrative law, higher education law, disciplinary proceedings, accessibility law
Scope of teaching activities: Administrative proceedings, administrative court proceedings, administrative law


Top 4 publications: 

  1. Ziółkowska A. Sądowoadministracyjna kontrola orzeczeń odwoławczych komisji dyscyplinarnych wydanych w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym prowadzonym w stosunku do studentów i doktorantów. Prawo i Więź. Published online 2024:329–360. doi:10.36128/PRIW.VI49.365
  2. Ziółkowska A, Krawiec G. Students in a health crisis: observations on the prevention of stigmatisation and exclusion in polish higher education institutions. Medicine, Law & Society. Published online 2024:227–250. doi:10.18690/mls.17.2.227-250.2024
  3. Ziółkowska A, Gronkiewicz A. Intensification of Digitalization of Public Administration and the Digital Divide. Studia Iuridica. 2023;101:523–548. doi:10.31338/
  4. Ziółkowska A. Sądowoadministracyjna kontrola kar administracyjnych w Słowacji – przyczynek do dyskusji o potrzebie zmian w ustawie – Prawo o postępowaniu przed sądami administracyjnymi. Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych. 2021:11–36. doi:10.31268/ZPBAS.2021.42
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