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University of Silesia in Katowice

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The Silesian Centre for the Study of Regional and Transborder Memory


Research areas and concepts: memory studies, (trans)border studies, transculturality, cultural hybridity, intercultural communication, migration studies, regional studies, heritology, postnationality, comparative studies.

The research conducted collectively by the researchers who represent the Centre is located at the intersection of three overarching categories such as: 1) regional studies; 2) border studies and 3) collective memory. The Centre’s research profile is not limited to issues related to Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa Basin but it does rely heavily on local knowledge and the regional context as a starting point for comparative research, which is our contribution to international (transborder) cooperation.



  • Conducting interdisciplinary basic research in how manifestations of collective memory define communities in borderland areas, migration zones and ethnically complex environments. The research puts a premium on team projects which bring together specialists from a variety of fields of knowledge to produce complementary conclusions about social, political and cultural transformations in contemporary societies.
  • Developing an international network of collaborative efforts meant to offer comparative perspectives on borderland regions and their economic, cultural and political transformations. The network will reflect the University of Silesia’s involvement in the T4E framework (T4ERI), especially the partnership with the Saarland University as the T4E leader.
  • Researching the consequences of adopting a regional (local) perspective on the evolution of national categories and social and cultural classifications and frameworks in various disciplines (prospects of decentralization and denationalization of knowledge politics and policies). The research will also seek to define the prerogatives and responsibilities of a “regional university” as an academic institution.
  • Developing collaboration with non-academic (cultural and political) institutions in the region; hosting open seminars and lectures concerned with borderlands, migrations and transculturality.
  • Promoting concept-oriented methodologies and approaches to social and cultural phenomena to be studied outside national contexts. The Centre aims at developing new tools and optics for transdisciplinary research in borders and boundaries by redefining those categories and – with the help of digital instruments based on AI technologies – offering practical insights into societies of the future.



The focus of our research is on interdisciplinarity, as well as transdisciplinarity, which implies that there are no clearly drawn distinctions or boundaries between disciplines. Researchers who represent the Center specialize in the following disciplines: history, art history, literary studies, political and administrative sciences, sociology, civil law studies.


The Centre’s activities put considerable emphasis on outreach, close cooperation with the public, popularization of research results, organization of seminars and lectures open to the public (including guest lectures by numerous researchers from such countries as Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, or the USA who have declared their cooperation with the Centre). The far-reaching plans of the Centre include forms of social activation, active participation in debates, discussions, artistic events, science festivals or expert consultations, which allows us to hope for a real impact on the region, its communities, and the whole country.

Prof. dr hab. Leszek Drong – Dyrektor ŚCBPRT

Prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Białas

Prof. dr hab. Renata Dampc-Jarosz

Prof. UŚ dr hab. Maciej Fic

Dr Monika Glosowitz

Prof. UŚ dr hab. Jerzy Gorzelik

Dr Justyna Kijonka

Prof. UŚ dr Ewa Macura-Nnamdi

Prof. UŚ dr hab. Bogumiła Mika

Prof. UŚ dr Anna Muś

Prof. UŚ dr hab. Małgorzata Myśliwiec

Prof. UŚ dr hab. Nina Nowara-Matusik

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Pinior

Dr Karolina Pospiszil-Hofmańska

Prof. UŚ dr hab. Lucyna Sadzikowska

Prof. UŚ dr hab. Michał Skop

Dr Tomasz Słupik

Dr Mirosław Węcki

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