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Warsztaty z redaktorami czasopism: prof. Paweł Jędrzejko

07.12.2023 - 11:52 aktualizacja 07.12.2023 - 11:52
Redakcja: Ryszard Knapek

Warsztaty z redaktorami czasopism

prof. Paweł Jędrzejko, Uniwersytet Śląski, Review of International American Studies, Er(r)go: Theory – Literature – Culture, Wydawnictwo UŚ

Zapraszam na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu warsztatów z redaktorami czasopism. Jest to część zajęć „Przygotowanie tekstów naukowych i krytyczna analiza tekstu” – każdy doktorant w trakcie kształcenia powinien uczestniczyć w co najmniej trzech takich spotkaniach.

Spotkanie z prof. Pawłem Jędrzejką z Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, redaktorem naczelnym czasopisma Review of International American Studieszastępcą redaktora naczelnego w czasopiśmie Er(r)go: Theory – Literature – Culture, a w latach 2013-2017 dyrektorem Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w formie zdalnej przez MS Teams. Link do spotkania: MS Teams

Spotkanie jest otwarte dla wszystkich chętnych. Osoby, które w ramach tego spotkania realizują obowiązek związany z przedmiotem Przygotowanie tekstów naukowych powinny także zarejestrować się na spotkanie poprzez formularz:


Pełna informacja o programie spotkania i prowadzącym (w języku angielskim)

1) Can’t Make Something out of Nothing: Is What You Offer Valuable?
2) Hoping for the Best (Pragmatically): Ranking Journals and Publishing Houses
3) Choosing Wisely: Journal Profiles, Journal Calendars, Calls for Papers, Open Access Gold
4) Why Can’t I Do Email? Duties of the Authors vs. Duties of the Editors (by editorial functions)
5) Editors on the Clock: Air of Entitlement as the Major Cause for Rejection
6) Why Do Sloppy Submissions Disrupt Work-and-Document Flow in the Open Journal System?
7) Processing Your Submission: When is Your Job Done and How to Win the Heart of the Production Editor, Copyeditor, and Typesetter?
8) Om Mani Padme Hum: On Patience, Humility, and Rejection Letters to Die For
9) „They Do Not Want Me? IN THEIR FACE!!!” How to Fail Miserably Trying to Start a Journal of Your Own — And How to Succeed?
10) On Good Bots and Merciful AI: On the Value of Good Titles, Adherence to Stylesheets, Sensible Abstracts, Keywords Selection, ORCID Number, and Updated Bio?
11) Getting Citations, or how to Help Your Own Visibility (ORCID,, Research Gate, POLON, University Electronic Libraries)?
12) Wish Your Text to be Refereed? Do Not Decline Refereeing Requests
13) Open Licenses and Elegance: Reprinting Your Work, Publishing Translations
14) Q&A

INSTRUCTOR: Professor Paweł Jędrzejko (b. 1970) is the co-Founder and the co-Editor-in-Chief of the Review of International American Studies, the flagship journal of the International American Studies Association (IASA), and Vice-Editor-in-Chief of the high-ranking Polish learned journal Er(r)go: Theory – Literature – Culture. Between 2013 and 2017, Paweł Jędrzejko held the position of the Director of the University of Silesia Press in Katowice. Managing the publishing house, whose history dates back to 1968, he was responsible for the reinforcing of the brand’s position in the academic book market by means of the implementation of mechanisms facilitating electronic work-and-document flow, as well as for the development and implementation of electronic platforms for the purpose of the distribution and indexation of publications authored by the Faculty of the University of Silesia in Katowice To attain this goal, he carried out the structural reorganization of the Press to ensure the compatibility of his house with the requirements of the contemporary academic publishing market, and successfully entered his unit into cooperation with partners at home and internationally. As the director of the University of Silesia Press, by ministerial appointment, in years 2015–2016, he served as a member of the Advisory Committee for the Implementation of the Strategy of the Open Access to Academic Contents at the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. As a scholar, he has authored in excess of 200 publications, including monographs, collections, journal articles, book chapters, as well as translations of scholarly texts.

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