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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Doctoral School
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Education curriculum

When commencing education, the doctoral student must familiarize with the applicable curriculum in detail.

Education program for doctoral students admitted to the Doctoral School for the academic year 2019/2020

Resolution No. 389 of the Senate of the University of Silesia in Katowice of May 28, 2019.

link: https://aktyprawne.us.edu.pl/d/3264/5/ 

Education program for doctoral students admitted to the Doctoral School for the academic year 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023

Resolution No. 219 of the Senate of the University of Silesia in Katowice of November 30, 2021.

link: https://aktyprawne.us.edu.pl/423-lista/d/5412/5/

Education program for doctoral students admitted to the Doctoral School for the academic year 2023/2024

Resolution No. 342 of the Senate of the University of Silesia in Katowice of December 20, 2022.

link: https://aktyprawne.us.edu.pl/d/6058/5/

The cycle of education at the Doctoral School

Education at the Doctoral School is individualized. Doctoral students choose classes in accordance with the curriculum assigned to them. They decide independently about the choice of tutors and optional classes and the duration of some classes (the latter does not apply to the 2019/2020 program). They fit their needs into a four-year education cycle, consisting of the “milestones” described below.

By the end of the first year

  • application for the appointment of a supervisor (supervisors/supervisor and auxiliary supervisor) up to 3 months from the start of education – details
  • implementation of classes required by the educational program
  • preparation and submission of an Individual Research Plan – details
  • the possibility of joining a joint education program with foreign partners (see: Uniwersytet Sapienza w Rzymie)

Mid-term evaluation after the second year of education

  • implementation of classes required by the educational program
  • submitting a grant application
  • presentation of the project to the scientific council of the institute and assessment by the evaluation committee – details

Until the end of the third year of education

  • foreign scientific internship or participation in a foreign scientific conference

Until the end of the fourth year of education

  • implementation of classes provided for in the educational program
  • implementation of three tutor cycles – details
  • area seminar – details
  • the possibility of extending the deadline for submitting the thesis under the conditions described in the SD Regulations
  • submission of a doctoral dissertation – details

Individual aspects of education

In addition to classes organized by the Doctoral School, the doctoral student has tasks whose organization and planning lie on his side, in cooperation with the supervisor.

Doctoral seminar

The doctoral student conducts his doctoral seminar with the supervisor(s). The date, place, and method of the seminar are determined individually. The supervisor may plan part of the work as part of the seminar with the auxiliary supervisor.

The seminar is counted annually. The end of the fourth year of the seminar is based on the submission of a doctoral dissertation.


Submission of an application for financing from external sources (grant)

Each doctoral student is obliged to apply for external funding for their research. DS organizes classes Planning and carrying out a research project to support this activity. The classes should be included in the mid-term evaluation, and their completion is based on submitting a grant application. An extension of the deadline for this obligation requires justification.

PhD students who are provided with total funds for research (for example, as participants in grants) and who demonstrate experience in fundraising may be exempt from this obligation.

The doctoral student in the Individual Research Plan provides the type of grant and the deadline for applying.


Internationalization of research

By the end of the third year of education, the doctoral student is obliged to undertake a foreign scientific internship (not shorter than 7 days) or participate in a foreign scientific conference (online participation does not count).

The performance of this obligation is also assumed to be carried out by a query in a foreign institution and field or laboratory tests conducted abroad.

A doctoral student should secure funds for the trip, e.g. by obtaining funding (grants, NAWA mobilities, institutions supporting research, such as foundations or scientific societies, trip at the expense of the host institution) or by participating in one of the projects organized by the university (Erasmus+ program, PROM program internal DS competitions, other funds provided by the university).


Expert tutoring

Each doctoral student should complete three 10-hour tutoring cycles during their education. The time of their implementation and purpose depends on the decision of the doctoral student and the supervisor.

Look: planning, description and formalities related to tutoring


Area seminar

At the last stage, before submitting a doctoral dissertation, doctoral students present their projects as part of field seminars. The presentation is an open seminar at the institute, where doctoral students prepare their dissertations.

The seminar is organized by doctoral students, with selected academic teachers’ support.

Look: rules of organization and schedule of seminars in a given academic year


Education Quality Assurance System

Education at the Doctoral School is conducted, monitored, and evaluated by the procedures of the Education Quality Assurance System, adopted by the Doctoral School Council on January 9, 2020.

Document content:

Procedures of the Education Quality Assurance System of DS UŚP (in polish)

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