The University of Silesia in Katowice has received funding under the project “PROM – Short-term Academic Exchange.”
Program: PROM – Short-term Academic Exchange is financed by the European Union under the project titled “Short-term Academic Exchange as a Way to Improve the Quality of Education in Higher Education and Science Institutions” with the number FERS.01.05-IP.08-0218/23.
Funding for the University of Silesia in Katowice: 1,591,100.00 PLN.
Planned project implementation period: 01.10.2024 – 30.09.2025.
Project Coordinator at the University of Silesia in Katowice: Emilia Rekosz-Cebula, PhD.
Project implementing units: International Cooperation Development Department, Student Service Centre, Doctoral School, HR Department.
The project’s primary goal is to improve the quality of education at the University of Silesia in Katowice, which is a significant direction for developing internationalisation by increasing opportunities for short-term scholarship exchanges.
The project includes the implementation of short-term scholarship exchanges involving international trips by students, doctoral candidates, administrative and academic staff of the University of Silesia in Katowice, and visits by foreign guests.
Project assumptions
The project includes the implementation of three tasks:
- Recruitment for the program,
- Implementation of mobility,
- Evaluation of competence improvement by participants in the program.
The project assumptions relate to the mobility needs reported by representatives of the University of Silesia in the Katowice community, the competence gaps diagnosed by the University of Silesia in Katowice, and the challenges faced by higher education in Poland and Europe. Therefore, the University of Silesia in Katowice identifies the needs related to competence improvement among various groups forming the academic community of the University of Silesia in Katowice and analyses them in the context of the University’s Development Strategy.
The project assumes:
- Improvement of competencies of students at the University of Silesia in Katowice as a result of short-term exchange – 50 people (outgoing),
- Improvement of competencies of international students as a result of short-term exchange – 5 people (incoming),
- Improvement of competencies of doctoral candidates at the University of Silesia in Katowice as a result of short-term exchange – 36 people (outgoing),
- Improvement of competencies of foreign doctoral candidates as a result of short-term exchange – 18 people (incoming),
- Improvement of academic and administrative staff competencies at the University of Silesia in Katowice as a result of short-term exchange – 42 people (outgoing).
PROM Program – Short-term Academic Exchange 2024 – Call for Candidates
Our university is pleased to announce its participation in the PROM program, funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The PROM program aims to support short-term academic exchanges for students, doctoral candidates, and staff (both academic and administrative) to participate in international conferences, workshops, training sessions, research, summer schools, and other forms of educational mobility.
The project aims to increase the internationalisation of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Each mobility must be related to enhancing competencies, which candidates specify in their application documents.
Who can apply, and for what?
- Students: One-week international mobility related to active participation in a conference/competition abroad, study visit;
- Doctoral candidates: For purposes related to their doctoral work (1, 2, or 3 weeks);
- Administrative staff: One-week training mobility, mainly language courses (in case of English course to Ireland or Great Britain);
- Academic teachers: One or two-week mobility related to their research, scientific, and teaching activities.
Application procedure:
Anyone interested in applying for the project is required to complete and submit the appropriate Application for Participation in Short-term Academic Exchange, as specified in Annexes 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the Regulations of the PROM Short-term Academic Exchange project, funded by the National Agency for Academic Exchange, implemented by decision no. BPI/PRO/2024/1/00048/DEC/1.
Application deadline: until March 7, 2025, at noon. Recruitment criteria do not include the order of applications.
Location: International Cooperation Development Department, room 3.7, Rectorate building. Documents must be submitted on paper form with signatures. Documents should be submitted in paper form, with a handwritten signature, along with confirmation of the status entitling participation in the project (from the Dean’s Office for students, from doctoral school offices for doctoral candidates, and the HR Department for staff) and acceptance by deans for students, supervisors for doctoral candidates, and unit heads/deans for staff. At this stage of recruitment, there is no need to submit other documents.
Incomplete application documents submitted after the deadline or sent in a form other than specified in the Regulations will be rejected without the possibility of supplementation or correction.
Funding includes:
- Scholarships to cover travel, subsistence, and accommodation costs.
- Lump sums for accommodation and travel costs are specified in Annex 14 to the Regulations.
- Subsistence allowance: for students 75.00 PLN/day; for administrative staff and doctoral candidates 125.00 PLN/day; for individuals with at least a doctoral degree or an equivalent degree obtained abroad 250.00 PLN/day.
- Funding for fees related to participation in international mobility (e.g., conference fees, training, courses, etc.).
Contact: For questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the PROM program coordinator at our university:
Emilia Rekosz-Cebula, PhD Email: Phone: +48 32 359 22 77
We invite you to participate in the PROM program and take advantage of the opportunity for short-term academic mobility.
- Regulations of recruitment for and participation in PROM Short-Term Academic Exchange Project
- Annex no. 1 Student’s application for participation in a short-term academic exchange
- Annex no. 2 PhD Student’s-PhD Candidate’s application for participation in a short-term academic exchange
- Annex no. 3 Application of an administration employee for participation in a short-term academic exchange
- Annex no. 4 Application of an academic for participation in a short-term academic exchange
- Annex no. 5 Requirements standard developed before the start of mobility
- Annex no. 6 Short-term academy mobility report
- Annex no. 7 Verification of learning outcomes at the end of a short-term academic mobility
- Annex no. 8 Comparison of obtained results with adopted requirements
- Annex no. 9 Certificate
- Annex no. 10 Declaration to participate in the project
- Annex no. 11 Information clause of the intermediate institution, national centre for research and development
- Annex no. 12 Participant’s consent to data and image processing
- Annex no. 13 Project participant personal data form
- Annex no. 14 Flat rate for the costs of maintenance and accommodation
- Annex no. 15 GDPR Information Clause for participants in projects funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)