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University of Silesia in Katowice

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Research centres

Centre for Polar Studies

Interdisciplinary studies on the natural environment of the Arctic and Antarctic at a global level and education of young scientists.


Silesian Water Centre

An inter-faculty research team conducting research, development, implementation, dissemination, and teaching activities related to water and water management.


University Laboratory for Atmosphere Control (ULAC)

The scientists from the University of Silesia investigate air quality, sources of pollution, and directions of its movement, having at their disposal a hot air balloon with a mobile laboratory. It is part of the University Laboratory for Atmosphere Control (ULAC). A stationary laboratory equipped with the apparatus for testing atmospheric pollution is also part of this laboratory.


Research Centre for Public Policy and Regulatory Governance (RCPPRG)

This interdisciplinary centre conducts scientific and research activity in the field of the most important regulatory problems and challenges that are part of the public policy domain.


Interdisciplinary Centre for Staff Development (ICSD)

The Centre acts as a partner for the science and higher education sector by conducting research activities in the field of improving human resource management processes


SPIN-Lab Centre for Microscopic Studies on Matter

Coordinating and conducting research and education activity in the field of nano- and microscopy, disseminating results of those researches, and implementing the results into economic practice.


Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Humanistic Education

Integrating the research work of specialists in humanities and glottodidactics in the field of contemporary methodologies of education of teachers of individual subjects.


Polish-Chinese Centre for Environmental Research

Research on the influence of climate change on the shaping of the environment and settlement of areas located in the maritime temperate, continental, and tropical temperate climate zones.


Centre for Critical Technology Studies

Initiating and maintaining dialogue between science, culture, and art within the technosphere.


Centre for the Law of Design, Fashion and Advertising

The Centre is composed of artists, lawyers, and representatives of science and industry; based on the theory and practice of applying intellectual property law, we foster the development of artistic thought and business strategies.


Research Centre for Public Competition Law and Sector Regulation

The Centre is engaged in scientific activity in the field of research on legal, economic, technical, and social aspects of competitiveness protection, as well as sectoral and economic regulation.


Centre for Nordic and Old English Studies

Scientists associated with the Centre for Nordic and Old English Studies deal with the history and culture of medieval Scandinavia and England. In the Middle Ages, both these areas were linked by strong political, economic, culture, and linguistic bonds. Research on the history of Scandinavia and England makes an important contribution to a better understanding of the European Middle Ages.

The Centre for Nordic and Old English Studies is the first unit of this kind in Poland; it deals not only with the geographical aspects of the researched areas, but also with history and literary studies.


Game Lab Design Centre

Design and research of multi-purpose virtual environments.


Roma Research Centre

Research on the identity and culture of the Roma.


Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Carpathian Folklore

The main area of activity of the centre is interdisciplinary empirical and comparative research of folklore in the Carpathian area with the use of AI technology in the creation of popular science and scientific materials.


University Centre for Creative Citizenship

University Centre for Creative Citizenship (UCKO) conducts research projects, which result in developing new ideas and concepts of citizenship activities. The Centre, based mainly on the activity of young academics, has been established for the purpose of conducting interdisciplinary scientific and educational activity in cooperation with the environment.


CYBER SCIENCE Silesian Centre for Legal Engineering, Technology and Digital Competence

CYBER SCIENCE Silesian Centre for Legal Engineering, Technology and Digital Competence is a research and teaching consortium established by the University of Silesia in Katowice, Scientific and Academic Computer Network – NASK National Research Institute, University of Economics in Katowice and the Silesian University of Technology.

The scope of cooperation will include such issues as: cybersecurity, LegalTech, FinTech, Digital Economy, AI (artificial intelligence), blockchain, electronic identification.


Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Judicature

The scope of action is to develop and describe a model of modern judicature. The Centre conducts dogmatic and legal, comparative, sociological and philosophical and axiological research, which aims at answering the question of how a system of justice should look to meet social expectations and be trusted by citizens and at the same time function according to the rules and regulations in force of a democratic and legally governed country.


Centre for Biomass Energy Research and Education

The Centre conducts interdisciplinary biomass energy research at the international level on the influence of biomass combustion and gasification on air pollution and pressure of utilisation of biocomponents along with the procedures of natural resources processing and material chemistry on human health.


Game Studies Research Centre

The scope of research undertaken by the centre concerns a discipline that does not exist in Poland and which in international circles is known as game studies. This field of knowledge fits into the category of interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary and broadly understood initiatives referred to as “studies”, such as gender studies, porn studies, postcolonial studies.


The Professor Tadeusz Widła Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Forensic Science and Legislation

The Professor Tadeusz Widła Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Forensic Science and Legislation aims at consolidating and strengthening the research, scientific, organisational and teaching potential of the University of Silesia in Katowice. The goal is to conduct scientific projects, carry out research tasks and educate students and doctoral students in the broadly understood forensic sciences.


Centre for Materials and Drug Discovery

The research conducted by the Centre constitutes a coherent whole in the area of designing and synthesis of drugs and materials that are of key importance to modern civilisation. The members of the Centre take up the most current challenges facing the economy, especially in the field of environmental protection, combating climate change and the production of modern materials with a wide range of applications.


Research Centre for Social Activation of the Elderly

The Centre was established in response to the lively discourse on the prospect of ageing societies that has emerged over the last few years.


The Silesian Centre for the Study of Regional and Transborder Memory

The research conducted by the experts who are part of the Centre is positioned at the intersection of three overarching categories: regional studies, border studies, and collective memory.


Centre for Byzantine Studies

The Centre researches the culture, history and literature of the Byzantine Empire (330-1453), with a particular focus on animal studies, environmental studies, and ecocriticism.


Research Centre for New Genomic Techniques

Research conducted at the Centre focuses on, among others, the development of new NGT tools, education, and legislative issues related to the possibility of conducting research.


Centre for Research on the Heritage of Jurisprudence and Law Practice

The centre aims to create an interdisciplinary platform for scientific activity in disciplines such as law, literary studies, art, culture and religion studies, and history.

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