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Student Laurel Awards 2021

22.06.2022 - 14:00 update 24.06.2022 - 09:44
Editors: wc-a
Tags: awards

Student Laurel Awards have been granted for the 14th time. These distinctions are awarded by students of the University of Silesia in Katowice. The awards are intended as an expression of gratitude towards the employees and units thanks to which our university is becoming a friendly place for the whole academic community.

This year’s laureates are Marcin Janik, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor from the Faculty of Law and Administration in the student’s friend category, and Agnieszka Bielska-Brodziak, PhD, DLitt, Associate Professor, Student and PhD Student Ombudsperson, also from the Faculty of Law and Administration, in the student government’s friend category. The title of friendly dean’s office has been granted to the dean’s office of full-time studies in law.

Student Laurel Awards have been presented during the official gala on 22 June 2022.

Występ podczas czternastej gali Lauru Studenckiego. Na scenie po lewej stronie muzycy grający na instrumentach, a po prawej stronie dziewczyna przy mikrofonie

Performance during the 14th Student Laurel Awards gala | photo by Beniamin Brągiel

Widok na plakat z logiem i napisem Laur Studencki. Na dalszym planie widać reflektor i elementy wystroju sceny

Performance during the 14th Student Laurel Awards gala | photo by Beniamin Brągiel

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